My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 661: In-law relationships

Chapter 661 Relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

It was obviously the gossip who said bad things about Ye Weiyi and was fired by Ye Xichen. Somehow it spread that Ye Weiyi was unhappy with a certain person and asked Ye Xichen to fire that person directly.

 Ye's only image instantly changed from beauty to...beautiful person, but the latter is the kind of snake and scorpion.

 This matter somehow happened to reach Madam Ye’s ears. A lot of things happened in just one hour.

 For example, Mrs. Ye suddenly came to the company!

“Attention, attention, the chairman’s wife will be at the company soon. Everyone should be attentive and respond to the inspection seriously!”

God is my witness, they are absolutely not willing to see Mrs. Ye, because if a big boss-level person comes here to inspect their work, they will have to prepare anxiously or find ways to deal with it.

Who is willing to do this kind of laborious and unpaid work?


The reality seems to be somewhat different from what they imagined.

After Mrs. Ye arrived, she did not inspect any work, but went straight to Ye Xichen's office.

 “Hello, Madam Chairman.”

 “Good afternoon, Madam Chairman.”

People passing by greeted her, and Mrs. Ye also turned a blind eye and hurried past.

Mrs. Ye’s attitude did not make them feel rude, but they were extremely moved!

Anyone who has stayed in the company for a while knows that Madam Ye rarely comes to the company in person, but if she comes, she will inspect their work according to very strict regulations. Everyone hopes that Madam Ye can ignore them, so that Don’t worry about your bonus being deducted!

Although a gossiper was expelled just this morning, there are so many people opening their mouths that not everyone can control them.

They quickly gathered together and whispered, "Hey, you see the chairman went to Mr. Chen's office in such a hurry. Could it be because of Miss Qiao Li's matter?"

“The chairman’s wife didn’t come here to check our work this time, but most likely because of the incident at noon.”

“I have seen the chairman and Mr. Chen defend Miss Qiao Lian before. I don’t know what the attitude of the chairman’s wife is.”

 Everyone likes to "analyze" complex situations like this, because nine out of ten cases can be corrected. After all, many things develop in the same way, and there are very few special circumstances.

“I don’t know if you have observed carefully, but the chairman’s wife didn’t have a smile on her face when she came just now, which is definitely not a good thing.”

 “You are right, the person who comes is not good.”

"Okay, okay, don't say anything. The one who was fired at noon is a lesson for you. Be careful."

Everyone murmured, but in the end no one mentioned it.

Mrs. Ye went straight to Ye Xichen's office full of anger.

Others guessed right, she went to Ye Weiyi because of the dismissal of employees at noon!

As soon as Mrs. Ye opened the door of the office, she saw Ye Weiwei sitting leisurely on the chair, holding a book in his hand and reading.

This look makes you feel as if you are enjoying yourself as the owner of this place...

Mrs. Ye couldn't stand her appearance, so she walked over and coughed.

Ye Weiyi looked up and saw Madam Ye. He was stunned for a moment, and then stood up.

 “Mrs. Night.”

 She shouted this without honorific, but it was not impolite.

Mrs. Ye was holding back her anger and could not speak directly due to her identity.

“Qiao Li, what are the rumors about the company today? You have extended your hands to our Ye Group!”

   Today’s exam, not much update, will be updated tomorrow



 (End of this chapter)

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