My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 674: Cheating and cheating

Chapter 674: Cheating and being mean

“Mr. Moss, before I tell you the identity of that person, can you tell me what you would do?”

 “I have a son?” Mo Si raised his finger slightly, his expression was indescribably rich.

“I really can’t believe that I, who planned to live alone for the rest of my life, would actually have a son?”

Mo Si keeps his integrity and never messes with the relationship between men and women.

 He sticks to his principles himself, as well as externally.

 A son suddenly appeared, even a mentally strong person would find it unbelievable.

 Pei Yichen nodded to express understanding.

“Sir, once I confirm it, I may be able to arrange a meeting between you and the young man’s mother.”

Pei Yichen's so-called consultation was actually contacting Ye Weiwei privately.

At this moment, Ye Weiwei and Madam Ye were face to face. Even if they had nothing to talk about, they still wouldn't feel bored.

 Because just looking at the other person’s eyes and face is very interesting!

Mrs. Ye took the seat first and made a preemptive strike. "My time is very precious. I will give you half an hour at most, so if you have anything to say, just say it. You know I don't like to listen to nonsense."

Mrs. Ye put her handbag aside, sat upright, folded her hands, and looked very fashionable.

Ye Weiwei raised his eyebrows and smiled softly, "Mrs. Ye, why are you so impatient? I'm afraid that if I just say one sentence, you won't be able to adapt."

Mrs. Ye did not take her reminder to heart, but still raised her chin arrogantly, "There is nothing to hide between us, what should be said, just say it."

When Mrs. Gang Ye finished speaking, Ye Weiwei added a decisive sentence: "Ye Xichen is not the legal heir of the Ye family."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you crazy girl!" Mrs. Ye leaned forward, put her hands on the table, looked at Ye Weiwei, and the atmosphere instantly became high.

 “There’s no nonsense.”

Ye Weiyi's mouth curved slightly, and he took out the identification results that he had already copied from his handbag.

This is the one that proves that Ye Hantian and Ye Xichen have no parent-child relationship.

Mrs. Ye was extremely angry when she saw it, "Do you think a false paternity test can ruin my son's identity and future?"

Madam Ye grabbed the water glass at hand and threw it towards Ye Youwei...

In an instant, Ye Weiwei grabbed Madam Ye's hand quickly and turned his wrist, causing Madam Ye to tilt her hand to the left, and all the water in the cup spilled on the ground.

"you this…"

When Madam Ye was about to curse again, Ye Weiwei shook Madam Ye's hand away heavily.

A sneer rose from the corner of his mouth. At this time, Ye Weiwei didn't need to be polite to Mrs. Ye.

 “Want to throw water at me? Scold me? What qualifications do you have?”

Ye Youwei kept asking questions, which made Mrs. Ye speechless.

 The cup in Mrs. Ye's hand fell to the ground and rolled around several times.

"Qiao Li! You have finally revealed your true nature! On the surface, you are well-behaved, but in reality you are vicious. As expected, you have a mother who is a bitch, and your daughter is not much better."

Every time Mrs. Ye gets angry, she always mentions Hua Qianhui in front of Ye Weiwei.

Every time she heard that Hua Qianhui was falsely accused, Ye Weiwei, as a daughter, could not control her violent temper.

 She clenched her fists and her eyes fluctuated.

 He took out another identification result from his handbag that confirmed that Mo Si and Ye Xichen were the biological father and son.

“Didn’t you always forcefully humiliate my mother by claiming to be the noble wife of Ye’s Group? But now? Who is the cheater?”

Madam Ye also sought her own death and insisted on scolding her mother in front of Xiao Lingdang.



 (End of this chapter)

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