My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 675: What happened twenty-two years ago

Chapter 675 What happened twenty-two years ago

"How is this possible..." When Madam Ye touched the two appraisal reports, her fingers were trembling.

 She couldn't face this fact.

"Qiao Li, what are you thinking about? You deliberately fabricated such a lie to harm my son!"

“Don’t worry, of course I won’t hurt my brother.”

 Seeing Mrs. Ye's panic, Ye Weiwei became calmer and calmer.

She smiled and spoke in a calm tone as if she were narrating a daily story, "Because I know that even if my brother leaves the Ye family, he can still make great achievements with his own strength. What really binds him by blood ties, It’s you and Ye Hantian.”


 Mrs. Ye slapped her palm on the table.

Madam Ye angrily pointed at Ye Weiyi and accused, "I know, you are deliberately spreading this rumor, hoping that Chen'er will leave Yejia after they have a rift with the Ye family, so that you can be with Chen'er with peace of mind. right?

After questioning, Madam Ye held her head high and sneered disdainfully at Ye Ziwei, "I tell you, as long as I am here, your machinations will never succeed!"

Facing Madam Ye who lost her temper, Ye Weiwei did not feel the slightest threat.

She sighed helplessly, "It's not menopause, why are you so irritable? If you don't believe it, you can confirm it yourself. Oh, I can tell you that you are indeed Ye Xichen's biological mother, but your My husband Ye Hantian...has nothing to do with my brother."

 Ye Weiwei's calm appearance outweighed Mrs. Ye's aura.

 In fact, her heart was already turbulent.

 But she must be strong enough to hide all the fear of leaving the hotel and not lose her momentum in front of others.

 Especially in front of the enemy, you must not lose!

"By the way, for the sake of my brother, I can kindly remind you that you'd better do things like appraisal quietly, so as not to expose the scandal and lose your most important face."

Ye Weiwei stood up calmly, tidied up the two identification documents on the table, and placed them together in Madam Ye's hands.

Feeling the vibration of her cell phone in her bag, Ye Wei took out her cell phone while walking. When she was standing at the door, she saw Pei Yichen asking for her permission.

Ye Weiwei thought about it and refused.

She gave Pei Yichen a quick reply: "If you can postpone the time, it would be best. If not, just adapt accordingly."

Pei Yichen received Ye Weiwei's instructions and temporarily rejected Mo Si's request.

Although Mo Si didn't say it explicitly, it has been like this since he separated from Pei Yichen.

Pei Yichen's scope of communication is very narrow, and he only goes around and around with those few things. It's not difficult to find the reason.


Just hearing this surname makes me feel something unusual.

 Yejia is no more than Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen is twenty-two years old this year.

Mo Si frowned and thought deeply, and a blurry picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

His heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and at that moment, he himself was confused.

 Twenty-two years ago, he happened to come to S city.

that time…


Even Mo Si himself was suspicious of the guess and did not dare to get in the car.

“Pei Yichen, we haven’t finished what we were talking about last time. Is the child you are talking about related to the Ye family?”

Mo Si went straight to the point when he spoke, so that Pei Yichen didn't know how to cover up or lie.

“That child is not someone you often mention, is it Ye Xichen?”

 (End of this chapter)

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