My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 682: My baby is gentle and generous

Chapter 682 My baby is gentle and generous

After separating from Mrs. Ye, Ye Weiyi hurried back to the apartment.

Before she had time to prepare dinner, Ye Xichen's car had already driven outside the door, and she called to ask her to pack up and go out.

Ye Weiwei went out dressed like this, and saw Ye Xichen in a white shirt leaning against the car window.

The gentle breeze blows on my face, coupled with the large leafy trees next to me, standing under the shade, I really feel like a handsome young man in ancient times.


Ye Xichen said a few words briefly and opened the car door for her.

Ye Weiwei picked up the chain of his shoulder bag and got into the car through the door he opened.

Then he asked: "Where are you going?"

Ye Xichen, who had just sat in the driver's seat, turned around, reached out and pinched the bridge of her nose, and said with a smile: "I'll take you to play."

"Well..." Ye Weiyi took his hand away, stared at him with her mouth open, and blinked, knowing that Ye Xichen was in a good mood today.

“Why did you suddenly say where to take me?”

“I have been dealing with company matters recently. I have little time in G city, and I can’t accompany you when I return to S city. What if I don’t work hard and make my baby angry and feel that he has been left out and angry?”

“Hmph! Is your baby such a stingy person?”

Ye Xichen raised his eyebrows and complimented her, "I was wrong. My baby is gentle and generous."

But before Ye Weiwei had time to feel proud, he heard what Ye Xichen said next, "Since you are so considerate, there is no need for me to spend time coaxing people. Let's go home and rest. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Weiwei's eyes widened even more!

Seeing Ye Xichen retract his hand and move to open the door, Ye Weiyi quickly leaned forward and reached out to grab him, "Hey, hey, hey..."

 She rolled her eyes and said, "That's not what I meant."

Looking at Ye Xichen's eyes, she curled her lips and her eyes became pitiful, "I want to play, I can go anywhere."

Ye Xichen chuckled and took off her hand.

He warned: "Sit down and I'll take you there."

They want to have fun, and they won't go too far in the afternoon. Their final destination is the "Night" bar.

As soon as Ye Weiyi got out of the car, he saw a car parked next to him, and the people there had just gotten out of the car.

 After taking a closer look, it turned out to be Gong Qianli!

 “Liu Li.”


Gong Qianli rushed over and hugged her immediately.

Ye Weiwei patted her on the back and was very happy to see her.

After letting go, Ye Weiwei looked around a few times, curious, "Isn't Brother Nangong here?"

Gong Qianli shook her head and said, "I don't know."

 “I thought you would come together.” Because in the past, Nangong Luo would usually pick up Gong Qianli if he wanted to go out for fun.

Gong Qianli said: "Originally, he said he would come to pick me up, but I refused."


"Shh!" Gong Qianli raised her index finger to her lips and made a silencing gesture, then turned her head and whispered in Ye Weiwei's ear: "Gu Chengxi will also come today, and I can't let him misunderstand what Luo and I have to do. Improper relationship.”

 "Gu Chengxi...ah..."

 It turned out to be this reason.

Ye Weiwei couldn't believe it, but he had to believe that Gong Qianli really fell in love with Gu Chengxi.

She returned to China to take the domestic college entrance examination for Gu Chengxi. In order to supplement her knowledge, she had to spend more time and effort than a senior high school student.

Gong Qianli patted her twice and said excitedly: "Coming, coming."

 “Who is coming?”

 (End of this chapter)

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