My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 683: I like him, it's worth it

 Chapter 683 I like him, so it’s worth it

“I remember that car belongs to Gu Chengxi!”

Gong Qianli was waiting for Gu Chengxi excitedly, but when she saw the people getting out of the car, the smile on her face changed instantly.

 “Why is it him?”

He muttered a few words in a low voice, and only Gong Qianli and Ye who spoke could hear him.

Ye Weiwei patted her on the back and said, "Brother Nangong is so kind and you are not happy to see him, then I will come over."

Ye’s only thing is to stand firm and unwavering in Nangong Luo!

Seeing Ye Ziwei was about to leave, Gong Qianli quickly pulled her back, "Hey... don't leave."

Seeing that Nangong Luo was about to come over, Gong Qianli and Ye Weiwei stood still at a distance.

Just when they were about to say hello, another man got out of the car just now. It was Gu Chengxi who Gong Qianli was talking about!

Gong Qianli saw Gu Chengxi at a glance, and seeing Nangong Luo walking towards them, Gong Qianli quickly stretched out her hand to stop him from moving forward.

“Don’t move, this is the safe distance. If you get closer, others will misunderstand you!”

When Gong Qianli said this, he glanced in the direction of Gu Chengxi with some meaning.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what Gong Qianli means, and also knows that she deliberately said this to Gu Chengxi.

 The only night that remained silent.

Nangong Luo curled his lips speechlessly.

 “If you don’t come, you won’t come.”

 After saying this, he turned around and entered the bar by another route.

Seeing Nangong Luo walk in without looking back, Gong Qianli's heartbeat seemed to have dropped by half a beat. She denied that she felt guilty at the moment.

Thinking to myself: Why am I guilty? I am innocent to begin with.


“Youyi, I will seize the opportunity to attack him, and you can cultivate a relationship with your brother Chen.”

Gong Qianli pushed Ye Weiwei to Ye Xichen, and the two sisters were happy.

Gong Qianli sped up to catch up with Gu Chengxi, stretched out her hand to say hello, "Hello, Doctor Gu, good afternoon and good evening."

Gong Qianli greeted him lively and lively, but Gu Chengxi didn't squint and didn't follow any gentlemanly etiquette.

Gong Qianli ran two steps in front of him and waved in front of him, "Doctor Gu, long time no see."

Gu Chengxi paused slightly, "Miss Gong's indirect amnesia? You took the medicine three days ago."

Gong Qianli automatically ignored his previous words and held her cheek in her hands, full of joy, "Wow, it turns out that Dr. Gu, you remember my affairs so clearly. I'm flattered and so happy."

But Gu Chengxi broke the delicate atmosphere mercilessly, "There is no need to show off your exaggerated acting skills."

Gu Chengxi is recognized as cold and venomous, super invincible!

Gong Qianli has a strong heart and is automatically immune to these words. She still has the courage to tease Gu Chengxi, "Look at your venomous tongue. You are single based on your strength. Only a strong and kind-hearted person like me can tolerate you. We are a perfect match!"

Gu Chengxi didn't want to talk or bother, and went straight to their health care.

Gong Qianli had endless topics to talk about next to him.

Gu Chengxi opened the door and went in.

Just when Gong Qianli was about to walk in, she was pulled aside by Nangong Luo.

 “Hey, are you interested?”

"What did you say?"

“You treat him like this and he never responds to you or even takes your thoughts into consideration. Is it worth it?”

Gong Qianli looked into his eyes when she turned around and answered seriously.

 “I like him, so it’s worth it.”

   It hurts my heart, Liuli.



 (End of this chapter)

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