My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 686: Pamper you like a child

Chapter 686: Pamper you like a little friend

As expected, Leng Yanxi received a glass of boiling water and held the bottom of the glass with both hands. She didn't know where to put it when Ye Xichen didn't tell her to put it down.

Ye Xichen patted Ye Weiwei's face and said, "Drink water."

Ye Weiwei leaned forward, hugged Ye Xichen's neck tightly, and leaned her head on his shoulder like a baby, "It's very hot now."

"Give me."

Ye Xichen reached out with one hand to get the water glass.

When his hand touched the bottom of the cup, Leng Yanxi's hands dragged the cup without letting go, and even slightly rubbed against Ye Xichen's fingers.

Unexpectedly, Ye Weiwei suddenly raised his hand, and a moment later, he knocked the cup in Leng Yanxi's hand to the ground.

  Boiling water flowed from the overturned cup and soaked the carpet on the floor.

Leng Yanxi couldn't care less about the ambiguous touch between her fingers. She quickly knelt down to pick up the cup and apologized to Ye Weiwei.

 “Miss Qiao, Master Ye, I’m sorry.”

It seemed that Leng Yanxi was right about this matter. She still apologized without hesitation because she worked for wages.

Ye Xichen grabbed Ye Weiwei's hand and said in a cold tone, "Why did you knock over the cup with your hand?"

 “I didn’t mean it.”

“Master Ye, don’t blame Miss Qiao. I’m sorry that I didn’t hold the cup steady and disturbed you.”

As soon as Leng Yanxi finished speaking, Ye Xichen pointed his finger at her, "There is no need for someone who can't even hold a water glass to stay in the night."

Ye Xichen’s merciless words made Leng Yanxi suddenly at a loss.

She wanted to use Ye Weiwei's words to play tricks on her, but she didn't think clearly about her identity and what qualifications she had?

Ye Xichen's implicit message was to drive her away, but Leng Yanxi dared to say anything else.

“Master Ye, it’s all my fault. I still have to make money to support my grandma, so please don’t drive me away.”

  While Leng Yanxi begged for mercy, Ye Weiwei's head was still resting on Ye Xichen's shoulder, staring diagonally forward with far-reaching eyes.

Until Leng Yanxi realized her vision and walked around Ye's only line of sight, she kept saying "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Ye Weiwei released his hands from Ye Xichen's neck, knelt down on the sofa, and turned to look at Leng Yanxi, "Are you sorry for me? Why do you keep apologizing to me?"

Before Leng Yanxi could come up with a reasonable answer, a smile suddenly appeared on Ye Weiwei's face, instantly resolving the tense atmosphere that had just solidified.

"I just made a little joke just because you were reluctant to let go. Just be more careful in the future." Ye Weiwei said as if casually, then waved to her, "Let's go out."

The last three words Ye only spoke were like an amnesty order. Leng Yanxi did not dare to stay for a moment longer. She thanked her twice and left the room.

Nangong Luo, Gong Qianli and others who were watching the whole process really wanted to raise their thumbs and shout 666. This operation was too sharp. Leng Yanxi would definitely not dare to approach Ye Xichen when she saw him in the future.

However, it was easy for Ye Weiyi to get rid of Leng Yanxi, but it was difficult to escape from Ye Xichen's clutches.

Ye Xichen insisted on admitting her mistake, but she didn't think she was wrong to be jealous.

 “I did it on purpose and I don’t admit my mistake.”

“That’s boiling water. Didn’t you consider the consequences when you spilled it?”

“It just needs cleaning. At worst, I’ll go down and clean the carpet now.

 Ye Weiwei actually started to take action while talking.

When she was about to leave Ye Xichen, Ye Xichen quickly grabbed her wrist, spread her palm and slapped her with a "snap".

 At that moment, the eyes of Gong Qianli and others gathered towards them.

 (End of this chapter)

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