My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 687: secret love

Chapter 687 Secret Love

While everyone is waiting to see how Ye Xichen will teach Ye Weiyi a lesson...

Ye Xichen only asked: "What should I do if I burn my hands?"

  …” All were killed in battle.

Our ears are all pricked up and we are listening carefully. Are you going to let us listen to this?

 Have you eaten your rice? A public display of affection in front of so many people!

  Simply a devil!

There was no quarrel between the two of them at all, they just showed off their affection in different ways.

For example, Ye Xichen knew that Ye Weiyi did it on purpose, but he didn't care about her little thoughts. He was just worried about whether she would be accidentally hurt.

The only reason why Ye Weiyi dared to pick things up and did so obviously was because Ye Xichen used him to be bold!

There is no limit to how affectionate these two people can show off, right?

 “Tsk tsk tsk.”

Gong Qianli watched the wonderful performance and shook her head.

She secretly glanced at Gu Chengxi, who was sitting next to him as steady as a rock, and covered her mouth and snickered.

 A man with good looks is simply synonymous with 360 degrees of no blind spots!

"I have really good taste. Such a handsome and mature man who gives people a sense of security is simply the best boyfriend in my mind!"

The above sentence is the most real thought in Gong Qianli’s heart at the moment.

 She is addicted to male **** and cannot extricate herself.

Gu Li moved to Gong Qianli's side and told her the strategy, "My brother likes to communicate with smart people. Sister Liuli, you must show your smart side."

Gong Qianli nodded seriously and kept these words in mind.

Nangong Luo really couldn’t stand it.

  Clapping his hands together a few times with "papapapa", attracting all the eyes from around him.

Nangong Luo stood up tall, looked around, and asked: "Isn't it a party today? Are you all patronizing yourself?"

Gong Qianli answered smoothly, "If you are not convinced, find a girlfriend to play with."

 “You want me to find a girlfriend?”


Suddenly being asked a rhetorical question, and seeing Nangong Luo's serious expression, Gong Qianli felt inexplicably guilty.

Looking left and right, there was only Gu Li. Gong Qianli quickly pushed him and said, "Xiao Lizi, hurry up and accompany your brother Luo, so that he will not be lonely and miserable."

 Xiao Lizi is their pet name for Gu Li.

 “It’s your order!” Gu Li gave her a naughty salute for two seconds, then went over to play Nangong Luo’s game.

Gu Li now regards Gong Qianli as his first choice as "sister-in-law" and listens to everything she says.

Gong Qianli felt comforted and decided to give Gu Li a big gift as a reward and... win people's hearts after returning.

Nangong Luo was so angry that he simply made a suggestion in front of everyone, "It's rare for everyone to have time to get together at night. We haven't played face-to-face for a long time. How about playing two games today?"

Gu Li raised his hand first, "Okay, okay."

 He looked excited.

Ye Weiwei grabbed Ye Xichen's hand and raised it for him, "Here, here also agrees."

Ye Xichen shook his head helplessly and did not reject her words.

 Bingshan Gu Chengxi remained silent, but raised his hand to express his agreement.

“But there are only four of us now.”

 Their regular team is missing two people.

  First, Mi Kexing, who likes to dress up as a woman, is still traveling around the world. It is said that he is currently working for a living somewhere in Australia.

 Second, Xu Tangxi is missing.

 The only people present were Ye Weiwei and Gong Qianli.

Gong Qianli raised her hand first as soon as she saw Gu Chengxi agreed, "Me, me, I'll do it."

"Then I..." Ye Weiwei wanted to say that he was watching the battle.

Ye Xichen suddenly interrupted her, "You come to live broadcast, use my account."

In the next chapter, Brother Chen is going to reveal the secret mark of Bell Cat to his fans?



 (End of this chapter)

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