My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 692: Mrs. Night's real name

Chapter 692 Madam Ye’s real name

“Qiao Qiao, do you really want to use Ye Xichen’s identity as a bargaining chip to take revenge on Ye Hantian?”

Hearing this, Ye Weiwei raised his eyes and stared at Mo Si without squinting.

 After Mo Si knew that Ye Xichen was his son, it was inevitable that he would be biased.

But Mo Si really doesn’t understand Ye Weiwei.

 She wanted to take advantage of this truth, but it was definitely not based on hurting Ye Xichen.

"Uncle Mo Si, no matter who has lived for more than twenty years, it would be hard to believe the news that he is not his parents' biological child at first glance, right? Even though Brother Chen is extremely smart, he is still an ordinary person with feelings, even if he is To uncover the truth, you also need to choose the right time.”

 The secret must be told by a specific person.

Mo Si nodded, agreeing with Ye Weiyi's plan.

But Mo Si also had his own action strategy. He said: "I plan to meet with Ye...Ye Yafei."

When he originally wanted to call Mrs. Ye "Mrs. Ye", he thought of his relationship with Mrs. Ye, so he suddenly changed his name and said Mrs. Ye's full name - Ye Yafei.

 Ever since she took the surname "Ye" after marrying Ye Hantian, few people call her by her real name.

If Mo Si hadn’t gone out of his way to look up information about Madam Ye, he wouldn’t have known that Madam Ye’s full name actually had the same surname as “ye”.

Her name is Ye Yafei, a name that is both artistic and elegant.

 Indeed, it’s a bit interesting.

Ye Weiwei nodded, "Uncle Mo Si has his own reasons for doing things. Just do what you want."

Ever since he found out that Mo Si was Ye Xichen's biological father, Ye's only address to him became the honorific "you".

It was not to please anyone, but the appearance of Mo Si made her very happy.

Grandpa has been a close friend of Mo Si for many years. If he knew that Ye Xichen was Mo Si’s son, he would definitely not stop her from getting together with Ye Xichen in the future!

With Ye's only expectation for the future, Madam Ye finally contacted her and said that she would give her a piece of information.

 The night when he received the news, he was overjoyed.

 The two made an appointment to meet at the same place as the previous two times.

Ye Weiwei was a little excited.

Since Mrs. Ye has made a promise, the information she wants to give to her must be of great use. When she thinks that she can get those things immediately and combine them with the personal and material evidence collected before, she can bring down Ye Hantian!

 However, at the most critical moments, unexpected situations often occur.

  Mrs. Ye and Ye Youwei were talking on the phone to agree on a location, and the old housekeeper happened to overhear them.

 The old housekeeper secretly passed the news to Ye Xichen.

 I think that when Mrs. Ye bullied Ye Weiyi, the old housekeeper chose to turn a blind eye, but now he has become more aware of the Ye family's situation, and of course he is more loyal to Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen still doesn’t know his identity.

  When he learned that Ye Weiyi was going to meet with Madam Ye, his first reaction was that Madam Ye couldn't help but want to take action from Ye Yiyi.

 Of course he was worried.

According to the address given by the housekeeper, he arranged for someone there in advance.

 When Madam Ye and Ye Youyi appeared, their every move was under Ye Xichen's control.

Ye Xichen didn't want to spy on anyone, he was just caught between two people who were most important to him. He couldn't attack anyone and could only choose to protect them.

  Mrs. Ye met Ye Youyi and handed her things, "The things you want are here."

 “Thank you so much.”

“There’s no need to express a false thank you. You’d better keep your mouth shut and don’t reveal Chen’er’s true identity.”

“I don’t know, what is my true identity?”

 (End of this chapter)

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