My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 693: Mother and son confrontation

Chapter 693 Confrontation between mother and son

“I don’t know, what is my true identity?”

Just when Madam Ye told Ye Weiwei to conclude the deal with her, Ye Xichen suddenly appeared!

 Suddenly Ye Xichen's voice came, making Madam Ye and Ye Yiyi both stunned at the same time.

After a closer look, their eyes fell on Ye Xichen at the same time, but they both seemed to be choked and couldn't say a word.

But Ye Xichen did not avoid forbearance this time, but directly approached the two of them.

 “Why don’t you go on?”

Ye Xichen raised his hands, as if watching a play leisurely.

But the depth between his brows could not be ignored, and the smile did not reach his eyes, which made Ye Weiyi feel guilty and panicked.

 She shouted and tried to approach Ye Xichen proactively, "Brother, what are you doing..."

  When she was halfway through her words, she was forcibly interrupted by Ye Xichen, "You want to ask me why I am here?"

"Yes..." Ye Weiwei couldn't guess Ye Xichen's thoughts for a moment, so he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Ye Xichen’s face was smiling, but it was unreal.

 “If I said that I happened to pass through this place, I’m afraid you wouldn’t believe it.”

I don’t know what his intentions were when he made this joke, but Madam Ye and Ye Weiwei didn’t know for sure.

Madam Ye was not willing to lose to Ye Weiyi. She also took two steps to walk to Ye Xichen, caring about him as if nothing had happened, "Chen'er, how have you handled the work recently? ? Have you encountered any problems? If you encounter something difficult to solve, be sure to tell your father and let him guide you. "

“There are no problems, only doubts. Father can’t answer them, but maybe you can, mother.”

“It’s not like you kid doesn’t know. I only occasionally inquire about the group’s affairs, but I don’t know much about the real situation. How can I clear up your doubts.”

Ye Xichen heard these words very clearly.

 Mrs. Ye was unwilling to answer his doubts and tell him the real thing.

 Ye Xichen nodded in greeting.

 Suddenly turned around and came face to face with Ye Weiwei.

 Looking at each other, he saw Ye Yue's small movement of pursed lips.

Looking down slightly, he saw Ye Weiyi's hands that were twisted together because of nervousness.

 According to his understanding of Ye Youwei, the many actions and behaviors meant that Ye Youwei was hiding things, so he was nervous.

He wanted to hear her answer again.

"how about you?"

“…” Ye Weiwei tightened her mouth, biting her lower lip with her teeth and found it difficult to speak.

 “Do you have anything to tell me?”

 “Brother, you…I…”

Ye Xichen just stared at her and asked a few words, and she felt like she couldn't bear it.

 Because I don’t want to lie to him.

She can fool others but cannot pretend in front of Ye Xichen.


Seeing Ye Weiyi being forced by Ye Xichen.

 Mrs. Ye never dared to let her tell the truth!

Madam Ye turned around without leaving a trace in front of Ye Weiwei, took her hand and said kindly: "Qiao Qiao, since I just said that I will never interfere in the affairs of the two of you because of the grudges between Qiao Ye's family, I will I’ll do it, there’s nothing I can’t say.”

Ye Weiyi instantly understood what Madam Ye meant.

Mrs. Ye also specifically stated, "Although Chen'er is the heir to the Ye family, he likes you. As a mother, I still hope that my son can be happy."

Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Weiyi, and Ye Xichen's eyes also fell on her.

 Doubling the pressure.

 (End of this chapter)

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