My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 694: I won't force you

 Chapter 694 I won’t force you

If you agree to Madam Ye's words, it will be equivalent to deceiving Ye Xichen.

 “Qiaoqiao, express your position quickly.” Madam Ye took the opportunity to push Ye Weiyi and asked her to cooperate.

 The only thing about Ye Ye is that she refuses to say anything.

With this look, it goes without saying that there is something wrong.

“Chen’er, what mom said is true. You should be happy. What are you doing with such an expression? It’s scary.”

“Mom, I’m glad you agree with us being together, but I hope it’s sincere.”

Hearing these words, Mrs. Ye felt a little embarrassed.

 She was obviously lying, so how could she be sincere?

"What I tell you is the truth. If you don't believe me, you should believe her. Ask her yourself if I approve of you being together regardless of your status?"

Mrs. Ye kept her words and signaled to Ye Weiyi again.

 Ye Weiwei nodded.

"Yes." Madam Ye's words were true. She had indeed verbally agreed not to interfere with her and Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen chuckled, walked around Madam Ye and pulled her away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Madam Ye quickly called her and Ye Xichen, but Ye Xichen held Ye Weiyi by her side and refused to let Madam Ye get close to her anymore.

 “Thank you, mother, for understanding. Let’s go first.”

Ye Xichen suddenly changed his mind about Madam Ye and took Ye Weiyi away at the same time.

 Because he knew that Madam Ye kept lying, and he was no longer willing to listen to lies.

"Hey..." Madam Ye wanted to call him out irritably, but in the end she didn't speak.

Now we can only hope that Ye Yiyi will never tell the truth!

Ye Xichen didn't listen to Madam Ye because she lied, and the only reason he took Ye away at this moment was because she couldn't speak out.

Originally, Ye Weiwei was worried that Ye Xichen would question her, but she didn't expect that Ye Xichen would become silent after coming out.

Ye Weiwei was confused as to why he suddenly appeared in this place, but he didn't know where to start.

 “Brother, are you angry?”

Ye Weiwei tried to grab Ye Xichen's sleeve.

 I was also holding a full breath in my heart.

 “I didn’t hide it from you on purpose.”

 “Is there a reason why you can’t say it?”

Hmm, he said softly and lowered his head.

But just because Ye Xichen didn't get angry didn't mean he wasn't angry. When he was about to explode, he said, "Because of that reason, you used it to make a deal with my mother, so you can't say that, right?"

Ye Weiwei, who was lowering his head, heard Ye Xichen's words and his pupils dilated.

  She swore, "Brother, I never did anything to hurt you."

 But Ye Xichen obviously did not need such a guarantee. He told Ye Weiyi more directly, "It's not just because you think there is no harm to me, you can hide it arbitrarily."

 So, "Give you another chance and consider whether you want to tell me the truth."

"I can't say!" Ye Weiwei shook his head without hesitation.

Her behavior is irritating.

But it is impossible for someone as dull as Ye Xichen to get angry at her face to face.

 So when Ye Xichen refused, Ye Xichen let go.

“You reject it because of the information in your hand. It seems that this thing is very important to you.”

His attention fell on the information in Ye Weiyi's hand, and Ye Weiyi subconsciously retracted his hand.

But I heard Ye Xichen smile lightly, "I won't force you."

 Tweet: "Cute baby 1v1: cold husband, take the fight quickly"

 “Hey! Man, I’m attracted to you!”

The charming beauty made a high-profile confession, and a cute little baby with blue eyes followed behind to cheer her up, "Put down Daddy! Mummy is mighty!"

Later, facing Ye Ye Huan Chong, the beauty rubbed her sore waist and hid in the corner of the bed begging for mercy, "Hero, brother, spare my life!"

  Boss said lightly, “You slept with me and you should be responsible.”

She widened her eyes and argued, "I never said that!"

He narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his lips and smiled, and pulled out the composition written by his son in kindergarten: My name is Mu Mengbao, I am four years old this year, and my name is Feng Jue. Mommy said she slept with daddy, so she had me.

 (End of this chapter)

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