My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 695: No blood connection, my surname is also Ye

Chapter 695 No blood relationship, my surname is also Ye

 This sentence has more weight than getting angry.

Ye Weiwei was so flustered that she couldn't guess what he was thinking.

 “This information will not harm you.”

 She wanted to say: Because Ye Hantian is not your father.

 She really wanted to tell Ye Xichen the truth at this moment.

Now that Ye Xichen has heard her conversation with Madam Ye, even if she conceals it, I believe that Ye Xichen will continue to trace her identity given her temperament.

Verifying the identity relationship is just a matter of identifying DNA. Whether he can find his biological father is not important. What is important is that he will find out that he is not Ye Hantian's son.

If he were to find out by himself, it wouldn't be considered a slip of her tongue to Madam Ye.

“Brother, I don’t want to lie to you. As for what Madam Ye and I just said about your identity are true. If you have any doubts, just go and find out the truth!”

 The only thing in the night was to remind him deliberately.

Ye Xichen remained silent from that moment on, and only said when he sent her home: "I was worried that you would be embarrassed, but now I think I was overly worried."

One corner of his mouth was raised, but there was no smile in his eyes.

 That was the only most profound image left to Ye Xichen when he left.

Ye Weiwei stayed at home and did not go out again. She counted the time to prepare dinner, but did not wait for Ye Xichen.

 Sitting on the sofa irritably.

Pei Yichen had already obtained favorable information from Mrs. Ye when he called to greet her.

Ye Weiwei looked up and saw something on the coffee table, which had not been opened yet.

 “The things are here with me. You can also bring the things from before.”

 “When do you plan to start, Miss?”

 “Wait a little longer, I will tell you when the time is right in a few days.”

 At the end of the day, I still have selfish motives.

 Before submitting evidence that Ye Hantian committed a crime, she wanted Ye Xichen to know her identity!

 No matter what you do, you’d better be mentally prepared.

 She delayed for another five days, using school time as an excuse.

 Five days later, she told Pei Yichen to take Uncle Anan with him to protect him.

For five days, she asked Ye Xichen whether he had found out the truth, but Ye Xichen did not reply to her.

Ye Weiwei felt uneasy.

 Firstly, because the hatred of the Qiao family is about to be avenged, and secondly, because the best solution to Ye Xichen's matter has not yet been found.

 “Hey Qiaoqiao, what are you thinking about? You seem to be in a trance.”

Xia Xiyun suddenly jumped out from the side and slapped her on the shoulder.

 Ye Ziyi ducked back reflexively, "Ah, you're going to scare me to death."

Xia Xiyun hummed with a smile, "I didn't want to scare you, I just called you. You were looking into the distance without any distractions, and you didn't know what you were thinking."

Ye Weiwei could only tell her, "It's some things at home."

"Come on, your big families just have a lot of trivial matters. I, a commoner, don't understand, so I won't get involved."

 “Stop joking about this.”

"I'm not kidding." Xia Xiyun waved his hand and suddenly pointed to the table on the right, "Hey, look, your phone lights up. Someone is calling you."

 Until she received a call from Ye Xichen.

She was looking forward to it when she answered the phone, but when she heard the key points Ye Xichen was going to say, she was stunned on the spot.

“Little bell, even if we are not related by blood, the Ye Group still has something that I need to protect.”

 Tweet: "Green plum in hand, bamboo horse without worries"

Li Yue met Mu Chi when she was three years old. She knew how to strike first at a young age. Fortunately, Mr. Zhu Ma was "gentle and considerate" and Xiao Qingmei successfully embarked on the road of hooking up with him.

 (End of this chapter)

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