My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 701: A lonely man and a widow living together in the same room

Chapter 701 A man and a woman live alone in the same room

There was a man lying outside Ye Xichen's office, looking around, "Is it possible that a man and a woman alone have stayed in there for so long without coming out..."

Secretary Zhao had some fascinating scenes in his mind, and from time to time he put his ear to the door, trying to hear clearly what was going on inside.

But there was no movement in Ye Xichen's office, not even a single voice.

Secretary Zhao could not imagine that the only time he went in that night was to watch their boss handle official business? Two pairs facing each other to relieve the pain of lovesickness?

 “Tsk tsk tsk.”

After waiting for about half an hour, Ye Weiwei still didn’t come out.

 Secretary Zhao suddenly felt at ease!

I thought happily: It seems that Miss Qiao has subdued their cold-faced boss.

 “Alas.” It is said that heroes have a hard time being beautiful, and it seems that their calm and seemingly indifferent Mr. Chen is no exception.

Secretary Zhao ran back to the next room with peace of mind and took a nap quietly.

 Ye Xichen's office was brightly lit.

  Hitting his mouth and yawning, Ye Weiyi couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep leaning on the table.

Ye Xichen, who had been staring at her work, finally stood up from where she was. After walking to her side, she hugged her tightly to the lounge.

Looking closely, the dark circles at the corners of her eyes are particularly obvious.

 Now it seems that the days when she didn't show up must have been very tiring.

I am afraid that I was afraid of being blamed, so I did it alone.

 He has not had any spare time to rest in the past few days, so he cannot find the energy to take care of her. It is really his own shortcoming.

 “What a little fool.”

 He can support this Ye family group, but she still has to do her best to help.

Even his father who has raised him for more than 20 years and his mother who gave birth to him cannot understand his heart, but it is enough to have one person who trusts him wholeheartedly!


Although Ye Weiwei is only a college student, her keen insight into current market conditions cannot be ignored.

 The strategy she handed over received positive responses during the trial period and achieved good results.

  That night, Mrs. Ye once again brought a nutritious lunch to Ye Xichen, only to find that Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen were staying together. Both of them were facing the phone, and even the tables were connected horizontally.

 Mrs. Ye has also heard a little bit about the company's recent events. She knows that Ye Youyi's appearance has brought benefits to Ye Xichen.

Seeing that they were all staring at the computer in front of her, looking very serious, Mrs. Ye didn't want to disturb her. She just asked the secretary, "How long have they been like this?"

Secretary Zhao responded flexibly: "Madam, how long has it been since you last delivered food?"

It has been five days since the last meal delivery time!

Last time Mrs. Ye and her son had a tactful argument in the office. Ye Xichen said that he did not want her to interfere. She was so angry that she actually avoided the news of the Ye Group for three days.

 After waiting for three days, I heard about Ye Weiyi’s incident.

 I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it…

The person who was able to join hands with Ye Xichen in the end was actually Ye Youyi who pushed Ye Hantian step by step into the abyss of hell!

Mrs. Ye stood calmly outside for a while, and finally handed the things in her hand to Secretary Zhao, and said, "In this way, you can find a suitable time to send the things in later."

 “Okay madam.” Secretary Zhao accepted it calmly, already familiar with it.

 Mrs. Ye turned around and left the company.

 However, she met someone upstairs who could not be ignored...

 “Hello, I’m Mo Si.”

 (End of this chapter)

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