My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 702: Fighting for son

Chapter 702: Fighting for Son

This is not the first time Madam Ye and Mo Si have met, but what they are going to talk about this time cannot be ignored.

 The only thought in Mrs. Ye's mind is: It is absolutely impossible for my son to abandon the entire Ye family group and return to the Mo family with you to recognize his ancestors!

However, both of them kept their meanings deep in their hearts.

 At the invitation of Mo Si, the two went to a coffee shop with an elegant environment.

Mo Si has good gentlemanly etiquette, and Madam Ye is always observing his every word and action.

Mo Si’s appearance does have the charm of a mature man, and looking at his clothes, he seems to have some status.

But she had never heard of any big family named Mo in S city or even in the neighboring cities. She thought that this man might have some money at most, but not as much as Ye Jia.

At this moment, the waiter brought the coffee. Mo Si liked the bitter taste, but Mrs. Ye liked the coffee with sugar.

  She likes to live a life of being aloof and superior to others.

 And Mo Si prefers to taste everything like drinking coffee, no matter how bitter it is.

 Mo Si took the initiative and the first thing he said was, "Mrs. Ye, long time no see."

 “Mr. Mo, speak directly if you have anything to say.”

"I know something about the grudges between the Qiao family and the Ye family. Now that Ye Hantian is in jail, should my son understand his true identity?"

"I don't understand what Mr. Mo means. What does your son's time have to do with me?"

“There are just the two of us here, and we can say anything straight to the point.”

 “I made it very clear, I cannot understand you.”

Mrs. Ye let go of the small silver spoon that stirred the coffee, and the expression on her face was already a bit unhappy.

Mo Si is a man who knows how to be flexible.

"OK, let's talk about Ye Xichen." Knowing that Madam Ye was pretending to be confused, he would directly identify himself without playing riddles, "The mistake that happened at the beginning should be undone as soon as possible when the truth is revealed. He has nothing to do with the Yu Yes Group. , shouldn’t stay anymore.”

 Mrs. Ye raised her head, the expression on her face had become completely serious.

"Mr. Mo is really joking. My son is the only legal heir of the Ye Group. He shares weal and woe with the Ye Group. That is his destiny!"

 From beginning to end, Mrs. Ye had a tough attitude and a firm tone, with no intention of backing down.

She is unwilling to have anything to do with Mo Si no matter what his status is. In short, as long as the huge Ye Group can survive this difficulty, she and her son Ye Xichen will have a worry-free life for the rest of their lives!

As for the original accident, as long as she kept denying it, there was nothing Mo Si could do about her...

Mrs. Ye was thinking this in her mind when she saw Mr. Mo take a sip of bitter coffee and savor the taste carefully, as if he had a lot of experience.

"You don't admit it, but I have many ways to reveal his identity. If outsiders know that Ye Xichen is not Ye Hantian's son, I'm afraid his position will not be secure, right?"

As soon as Mo Si finished speaking, a loud "bang" was heard.

 Mrs. Ye slapped the table and stood up, with an evil look on her face, "How dare you!"

Mo Si raised his hand and said, "Don't be impatient for a moment."

"No matter what happened in the past, there is no need to mention it again after so many years. What's more, at Mr. Mo's age, he must have a wife and children. It will not be good for your family to dwell on the past. Mr. Mo should give up the matter as soon as possible. Give it some thought."

“That’s a coincidence. I have no wife or children, and I need a child to take care of me in my old age. Ye Xichen, who is extremely capable, is not the most suitable candidate.”

 (End of this chapter)

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