My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 717: Medication to force his consent

Chapter 717 Using medicine to force him to agree

“You haven’t seen the child Ye Xichen yet. Is there any way to make him return to the Mo family voluntarily?”

“If my guess is correct, he should have a hereditary heart disease.”

 “You mean the Mohist one…”

"Yes!" Old Mrs. Mo nodded, "Although I didn't see the child when I went to that apartment before, I accidentally found a bottle of medicine after being invited in by Girl Qiaoqiao."

 Although Mrs. Mo is old, her eyesight is still bright.

  She paid attention to it at that time and found out about medicines for treating heart diseases.

I think back then, when she married into the Mo family, she was afraid to have children because of the hereditary heart disease in the Mo family. Later, treatment technology became more and more mature, and she had no problem giving birth to the eldest and second children. Sanmosi inherited it here again.

So the Mo family has been a little indulging in Mo Si since they were young. This is why Old Mrs. Mo really tolerates Mo Si's failure to start a family and start a career.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that Mo Si unexpectedly had a son, and the disease would most likely be passed on to Ye Xichen.

Later, the Mo family became more and more mature in treating their hereditary heart disease. The Mo family did not need to rely on medicine to regulate their bodies for a long time, and even Mo Si's physical condition was almost in recovery.

 Now, they discovered Ye Xichen.

Even though Ye Xichen was familiar with the Gu family, a well-known medical family, they were unable to completely cure Ye Xichen's condition in a short period of time.

 After all, the Mohists’ research from generation to generation has accumulated several lifetimes of experience!

"You mean to use a genetic disease as a threat to force the child to return to the Mo family to recognize his ancestors?"

"That's what I meant. But I asked him to return to the Mo family out of kindness, and it's not forced."

Mo Si didn’t know whether he should persuade her or not, but it seemed that no matter what he said, Old Mrs. Mo was determined to get Ye Xichen back to the Mo family.

Even when Mr. Mo mentioned the words "Ye Xichen", Mrs. Mo would remind him: "That child's surname is Mo, not Ye!"

 Actually, Mrs. Mo is a stubborn old man.

 It’s not a naughty thing, it’s a stubborn one!

 There is little chance of changing what she believes in, and it seems that the same is true for Ye Xichen...

Perhaps this is skipped generation inheritance?

We don’t know the answer yet.

 Two days later, Ye Xichen returned successfully.

 He told Ye that the only pick-up time was in the afternoon, but he went back early and brought her a gift as a surprise.

Ye Xichen had the key and knew the secret, so he entered the apartment quietly.

At this time, Ye Weiwei had just gotten up from a lazy nap. He was lying on the bed with a facial mask on, counting the time to close his eyes and relax.

But just as he approached the bed with gentle steps, Ye Weiyi suddenly opened his eyes, turned his eyes extremely sensitively, and his eyes fell accurately on Ye Xichen.

Ye Weiwei was stunned, Ye Xichen stood there motionless.

Ye Weiwei blinked and immediately took off the black mask and stood up.

 “Brother! Why are you back!”

“I’m really surprised by how you look like this.” Ye Xichen reached out and touched her scattered and disorderly hair, unable to resist her words and expressions.

Ye Weiwei immediately ran into the bathroom, screamed "Ahhhhhh" in front of the mirror and covered her face.

The person she longs for sees her dressed in sleepwear, with messy hair and a facial mask, looking like a black-faced monster, she is really! I want to lift the quilt and get in!

“Okay, I’ve never seen you before. Stop hiding and come out quickly.”

"I don't!"

 “Come out and give you a gift.”

  What gift?



 (End of this chapter)

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