My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 718: An unprecedented annual meeting

 Chapter 718 The unprecedented grand anniversary meeting

"You want to give me a gift?" Ye Weiyi opened the door slightly and stuck his head out.

Ye Xichen told her, "The gift is downstairs."

Ye Weiwei quickly returned to the sink, wiped her face clean in the mirror, patted it, and then she was willing to open the door and go out.

"What gift?" She grabbed Ye Xichen's arm and begged him to take her to see it, her eyes full of anticipation.

 This height difference is just right...,

Ye Xichen reached out and touched her head. "I was moved when I heard the gift. Is the gift more important than me?"

“Yes, the gift is much more attractive than you.”

 “Then it’s better for me to hide.”

  "Don't hide it or hide it! It's my gift, I have to find it myself."

Ye Xichen let go of his hand, opened the door and ran out, but after walking around the living room, he didn't see anything where he could put the gift.

When Ye Xichen walked out slowly, she looked up at him with her hands on her hips, "Where is the promised gift? I clearly didn't see anything."

 “The gift is not in the living room.”


 Just now I said it was in the living room, but now I can’t find it so I say it’s not there. I feel so complicated.

  Is it possible that I just want to punch someone?

"Brother, you are so bad now. I promised you the gift!" When she couldn't find it, she reached out and asked for it.

Looking down, he saw the tender white palm with slightly open fingers. As if by magic, he took out a piece of paper and placed it in her palm.


"What's this?"

She opened the ticket paper with her finger full of confusion. The amusement park logo in the center of the ticket was very obvious.

“Is this a ticket for the amusement park?”

 “Well, a gift.”

“Do you want to take me to the amusement park?” She lowered her head and read the instructions on the ticket carefully, and muttered in a low voice, “The amusement park’s annual meeting Saturday.”

“Well, this anniversary will be different from previous years. It will be an unprecedented event. I’ll take you to have some fun.”

Ye Weiwei clapped his hands together and clapped, "Great!"

 She was obviously delighted to hear the news and pleased with the gift she had received.

 It’s not because of her childish nature, but because she always has a certain expectation for the playground.

 A wonderful expectation!

At this moment, she didn’t know that the person who prepared the gift wanted to take this opportunity to give her a bigger surprise.

Just when I was chatting with Gong Qianli, I brought up the amusement park. Gong Qianli made a few perfunctory remarks and just said that she had something to do next week and was not interested in these things.

Ye Weiwei didn't notice anything was wrong and said it would be a pity for her not to go.

“Anyway, you know that I’m not very interested in that kind of place. Just like it. When the time comes, dress up beautifully and go to the appointment. It’s best to make it memorable!”

 “Is it necessary to be so grand?”

“Ha, of course! Life needs passion, and love needs surprises, you know?”

Gong Qianli gave her crazy hints.

Ye Weiwei didn't understand, and instantly changed the topic to Gong Qianli, "Why are you so eloquent when it comes to talking about me? What about yourself?"

“Forget about mine, I’ve been following Dr. Gu for four years, and he doesn’t even put a P…cough, civilized language.”

“But during the three years you were in the police academy, you rarely met or contacted Gu Chengxi because of your training. What do you like about him?”

“I don’t know, maybe I just like him but not me.”

“…” It sounded so reasonable and powerful that she couldn’t refute it.

 “Don’t talk about me, you have to remember what I told you.”


   Do you understand all kinds of explicit hints~express hints?



 (End of this chapter)

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