My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 721: A battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

Chapter 721 A battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

The word grandma is very unfamiliar to Ye Xichen.

He knew the relationship between Old Mrs. Mo and him, but he didn't think it was necessary to admit it.

 The Mohists were just a group of strangers to him.

Knowing that Ye Xichen was indifferent by nature, Ye Weiyi hurriedly walked over to smooth things over for the two of them and ease the atmosphere.

“Brother Chen, Grandma Mo, please go ahead and talk.”

Ye Xichen has always been the main person. When Ye Xichen's attitude towards Mrs. Mo is not clear, she will not deliberately get close to her, nor will she ignore the guests.

Since Mrs. Mo saw Ye Xichen, her eyes have always been on him. After all, as people get older, they only feel that blood and family ties are particularly precious, and they also hope to have children and grandchildren to surround them with.

 But Ye Xichen doesn't like to chat with others, and all normal discussions with him are business matters.

 Men and women are very different in terms of emotions. No matter what emotion they are, women are more emotional, while men are more rational.

Ye Xichen has grown to such an age that he can support his own world and no longer needs the care and concern of relatives, so Mrs. Mo's starting point for using blood ties to impress him is obviously wrong.

After an awkward conversation, Old Mrs. Mo didn't hear a few words from Ye Xichen at all.

 Fortunately, Youye was the only one to lighten the mood, so that Mrs. Mo would not be too embarrassed.

Ye Xichen drank a cup of tea.

 “If there’s nothing important, I’ll go deal with the documents first.”

He can be regarded as respecting his elders by staying here and listening to Old Mrs. Mo talk about a bunch of things that have nothing to do with work.

 Old Mrs. Mo’s trip was considered to be in vain.

 But Mrs. Mo was not discouraged.

"He is unwilling to leave, which shows that this child has personality, which is much better than those who are incapable and independent."

This is how people are, they care more about what they don’t get.

The more Ye Xichen was unwilling to return to the Mo family, the more Mrs. Mo wanted to persuade him.

Moreover, Mrs. Mo also asked Mo Si to walk around more and get closer to her son.

"The child has not grown up with us since he was a child. It is normal for him to be emotionally distant. We must let him know that our Mo family is his closest blood relative."

As a result, Mrs. Mo would always buy things to send to Yejia.

Even Mrs. Mo went to see Madam Ye in person.

Ever since Ye Xichen truly took control of the Ye Group, Madam Ye felt much more at ease, and no longer had the same fear of her son being deprived of his power as in the past.

Since then, Mrs. Ye has been enjoying life more and has even turned a blind eye to Ye Xichen's only thing. After all, she can no longer stop Ye Xichen, her son's firm choice.

Now, when she first heard about the arrival of someone from the Mo family, Madam Ye felt wary!

But she was very good at showing off, and it was not impolite at all to order people to entertain Old Mrs. Mo.

 Old Mrs. Mo met Mrs. Ye for the first time and didn't know much about her nature. She only knew that an accident caused this woman to give birth to an excellent grandson for their Mo family.

“If you can raise a child as outstanding as Chen’er, his mother is indeed good.”

Hearing Mrs. Mo’s praise, Mrs. Ye covered her lips and smiled softly.

Mrs. Dan Ye has a proud personality. Even when facing Old Mrs. Mo, she feels like meeting a stranger wearing a mask.

I know that when Mrs. Mo expressed her desire for Ye Xichen to return to the Mo family to recognize his ancestors, Mrs. Ye's first thought was that the Mo family valued her son's ability, which was tantamount to robbing him!

 “Old lady, I grew up in a night house and have no other relatives.”

 “Of course, you won’t need it in the future.”

【Red envelopes will be distributed in the welfare group on the 12th of this month, starting from ten yuan】

【Red envelopes will be distributed in the welfare group on the 12th of this month, starting from ten yuan】

【Red envelopes will be distributed in the welfare group on the 12th of this month, starting from ten yuan】

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 (End of this chapter)

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