My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 722: playground proposal

Chapter 722 Proposal at the playground

Mrs. Ye's rejection made Old Mrs. Mo feel repulsed, "The Mo family are his closest relatives."

"I've raised my son for so long, no one else is allowed to interfere with what he needs or doesn't need!" Mrs. Ye's attitude was firm and she didn't want to save face for Old Mrs. Mo.

Mrs. Ye's proud character is revealed. When she thinks of her son's current achievements, she is even more confident!

 Two women compete with each other, and an undercurrent surges.

 Old Mrs. Mo originally thought that Mrs. Ye, as a mother, seemed to be easy to get along with, but now it seems that the rumors outside are wrong.

 But the purpose of Mrs. Mo's coming here is not entirely to win over Mrs. Ye. Since it doesn't make sense, then use an alternative method.

"As a mother, you always hope that Chen'er will be well?" Old Mrs. Mo was unwilling to mention the surname "Ye", so in order to show her kindness, she called Ye Xichen by her nickname.

Mrs. Ye held the tea cup in her hand with an unreal smile, "I am his mother, so I naturally know what he wants and what he doesn't need."

"That's not what I want to say." Old Mrs. Mo once again threw out the information she had, "Did you know that Chen'er has heart disease?"

After finishing her words, Madam Ye raised her eyes and pressed the teacup in her hand heavily on the table.

 “What do you mean by this?”

Mrs. Ye and Ye Weiwei asked the same four words, but the emotion shown by Mrs. Ye was dissatisfaction.

She didn’t want to hear about her son’s illness from other people. The mere mention of it made her heartache.

 However, Mrs. Mo regarded this as the biggest bargaining chip.

She said: "We, the Mohists, can completely cure the disease."

“It’s really ridiculous. The doctor who treated my son’s body is known as a genius in the medical field. His family has been studying medicine for generations and cannot provide a complete cure. Why are you so shameless?”

When Mrs. Ye thought that Old Mrs. Mo was forcing her son to leave the Ye family, Mrs. Ye completely tore off the mask and spoke sternly.

Mrs. Ye's arrogant and rude attitude made Old Mrs. Mo very angry.

Thinking to herself, it’s a good thing her son Mo Si doesn’t like this woman!

"His disease is inherited in the family. Even if there is a famous doctor around him, it will take time to study. As for our Mo family, the treatment technology has been mature for a long time, so it can naturally cure his disease."

“It turns out to be a family inheritance!” Madam Ye put her palm on the table and stood up excitedly.

 “My son has been suffering since he was a child, and it’s because of genetics!” He was emotional because he was angry.

Ever since Mrs. Ye knew about Ye Xichen's illness, she always thought that she had not taken good care of him properly, but she never thought that it was a family inheritance!

Mrs. Ye looked at Old Mrs. Mo and took deep breaths to force herself to calm down.

In the end, he punched the table with his fist and thanked the guests behind closed doors, "My son doesn't need you from the Mo family. Mrs. Mo, please come back!"

 Old Mrs. Mo did not expect that her plan would come to nothing.

Whether it was Ye Weiyi who behaved well and politely from the beginning to the end, or Mrs. Ye who had an arrogant attitude from the beginning, after learning that Ye Xichen's condition was inherited in the family, they did not take the initiative to come to her as Mrs. Mo expected.

 “It’s all useless!”

For the last time, Mrs. Mo plans to confront Ye Xichen directly!

She wanted to take this opportunity to see Ye's Group, so she sent someone to Ye's Group to make an appointment according to normal procedures.

But inadvertently, I heard Ye Xichen mentioning the arrangements for a "playground proposal" to his subordinates.

 (End of this chapter)

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