My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 723: have children

Chapter 723: Having Children


It was Ye Xichen who arranged the marriage proposal, and that person was Ye Weiwei?

 I remembered that his father did not advocate casual marriage and children in this life, but this son was about to start a family and start a business at a young age. It seemed that he really liked that girl.

Since this is the case, she can take advantage of this opportunity...

 Hand Ye Xichen with affection and understanding with reason!

Mrs. Ye made an appointment to meet through the normal procedure. Ye Xichen was not surprised when he saw her and seemed to be waiting for her arrival.

  When Mrs. Mo saw her grandson, she wanted to care for her, "Chen'er, I see that you are full of energy and your expression is relaxed. It seems that something good is about to happen that will make you happy."

Old Mrs. Mo didn't mean any harm in her words. Maybe Ye Xichen was really in a good mood at the moment, so he actually gave her a light smile of comfort in return.

However, he quickly suppressed the unnecessary expression on his face, and actually asked Mrs. Mo what business she had.

Old Mrs. Mo only made the appointment for business reasons, and there was actually nothing to discuss about the studio.

 Old Mrs. Mo sighed softly.

She slowly took out a medicine bottle and handed it to Ye Xichen, explaining: "This is medicine to treat your heart disease."

Ye Xichen stared at the medicine bottle and stretched out his hand to take it if it was not there.

Old Mrs. Mo said again, "But this is all about treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. As long as you come back to Mo's house with us, there will be specialized doctors there who will prepare the most suitable medicinal formula for you to cure your condition."

She also emphasized, “And it will not be passed on to the next generation.”

Ye Xichen looked at it coldly, not showing any interest in the bottle of medicine or the treatment.

Old Mrs. Mo kept throwing out the temptation rod, "What a poor child. Ever since grandma knew that you inherited the heart disease that has been in the Mo family for generations, grandma has been feeling pain in her heart. It's really painful for you."

 “I have my own treatment method, seniors don’t have to worry about it.”

"Chen'er, you can't say that..." Mrs. Mo quickly rejected Ye Xichen's decision.

Thinking that she overheard Ye Xichen mentioning the topic of "proposal" to others when she came, Madam Ye used this to persuade him, "You think you are used to it, but you should also think about your future wife and children."

“I can see that you and Girl Qiaoqiao have a very good relationship. I think you will be together in the future.”

Old Mrs. Mo caught Ye and the only thing she could say was to praise her, "Grandma also likes that girl Qiao Qiao. She is beautiful and intelligent. With her ability, she can become your good wife."

"You are bound to have children when you are with her. If your children inherit this disease in the future and suffer unusually high pain, how would you feel?"

 Old Mrs. Mo kept testing him and irritating him with words about wife and children.

Although it was difficult to see an obvious change in expression on Ye Xichen's face, he was indeed shaken by Old Mrs. Mo's words.

It turns out that Gu Chengxi’s diagnosis and treatment judgment was correct, and the disease is hereditary.

 If it is not eliminated, there is a high chance that it will be passed on to the child.

Ye Xichen's decision was greatly affected by the thought of the already scheduled proposal and the wedding in preparation.

How could he be willing to risk his only child?

“Grandma is not forcing you, she just feels sorry for you. Only the doctors of the Mohist family have summarized effective treatment methods based on the medical conditions of various generations of the Mohist family. I hope you can think about it clearly.”

“Returning to the Mohist family to recognize your ancestors will do you no harm at all.”

 (End of this chapter)

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