My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 737: pamper each other

Chapter 737 Doting on each other

 “Wow, what a beautiful rose.”

Ye Weiwei happily accepted it, lowered her head and smelled the flowers. The fragrance of roses was refreshing.

 “Like it very much?” Ye Xichen asked.

Ye Weiwei expressed his feelings without any shyness, "Of course, these are the roses sent by my brother, I definitely like them!"

 Speaking so well makes the obedient people very happy.

Ye Xichen raised his head and pinched her nose gently, his gentle voice was like a gentle breeze.

 He said: “As long as you like it.”

 When you go out on a date, first give your girlfriend a bouquet of flowers. This will make her feel happy for a while, and things will be easier to handle later on!

But this time it was Ye Weiwei who said she wanted to surprise Ye Xichen. She took the initiative to drive and wanted to reach the destination within an hour before the meteor budget time arrived.

 Since I was driving alone at night, the bouquet of flowers was placed next to me.

There is a magical place in S City called "Stargazing Cliff", which is actually a nice name given to a high place.

But this high place is different from others. It is said that Stargazing Cliff is recognized as the most beautiful place to enjoy the night view.

 Because there is a large flat grassland on top of the stargazing cliff, where you can see the night sky that you can't usually see. The stars at night are particularly bright.

 When he got out of the car and saw such a scene, Ye Xichen already knew his only purpose.

But in order to make his lovely girlfriend have more expectations, he pretended to be mysterious and unaware.

He also deliberately asked Ye Weiwei, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Humph, I won't tell you yet. You are an idiot who only knows how to make money. You don't pay attention to any news." Ye Weiyi often advised him to combine work and rest, but Ye Xichen always devoted 70% to 80% of his energy in developing the group. Career.

Since he asked, Ye Weiyi really believed that he would not pay attention to such "boring" news.

Ye Weiwei held Ye Xichen's hand and the two of them walked uphill together.

In the end, Ye Weiwei did not wear the nine-centimeter high heels that Gong Qianli chose for her that day. After all, it was really uncomfortable to wear such high shoes when walking up from here.

She also knew that Ye Xichen was really strong enough to carry her up from here, but she was unwilling to let the person she liked suffer like that.

 Because it is not called sweetness, but it is deliberately tormenting people.

 True love is when two people are happy with each other, so true love also requires two people to love each other.

The latest news posted on Weibo is: the meteor will appear at around 8:15 p.m.

Ye Ziyi calculated the time correctly, and they arrived at their destination at half past seven in the evening.

 The vast plains make people feel that they have a wide field of vision at first sight, which is simply novel!

“Brother, this place is so spacious and gives people a different feeling.”

Ye Weiwei came to this place for the first time, and everything here was full of strangeness.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Weiwei stretched out his palm like a magic trick, and there was a red string in his palm.

"This is the red string." She explained, putting the two ends of the red string on her index finger and Ye Xichen's index finger respectively.

She pursed her lips and smiled, and a beam of light suddenly flashed in the sky.

 “The meteor is coming, hurry up, make a wish quickly!”

After Ye Youwei urged Ye Xichen, he closed his eyes and muttered many wishes silently. When he opened his eyes again, in addition to the shining stars in the sky, there were also wishing shooting stars.

At this moment, I suddenly felt something tugging at the corner of my clothes, pulling and pulling.

 (End of this chapter)

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