My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 738: you are god's little angel

Chapter 738 You are God’s little angel

 Looking back, I saw a little girl about three or four years old holding a book in her hands and looking up at her.

 “Are you the fairy in the book?”

 The innocent child looked at Ye Weiwei and asked this sentence.

Ye Weiwei was moved by her lovely words. He knelt down like her and spoke in a voice as gentle as if he could drown in water, "Why do you ask like that?"

Even though she was only a three or four-year-old child, Ye Weiyi believed that she could hear it.

The little girl really understood what Ye Weiyi meant.

  The little girl opened the book she was holding in front of Ye Youwei. There was an illustration on the page, which showed a girl clasping her hands in front of her chest in a praying posture.

The content above is that the fairy is praying.

 It is probably because she made a wish just now in the same posture, so the little girl thought she was a fairy coming out of the flower.

 “Children, my sister is not a fairy.”

 “Then what is sister?”

 “Pfft…” This question really stumped her.

Before she could form words to introduce herself, a woman hurriedly came over and took the little girl's hand.

At this time, no one spoke first, but the little girl stood among them and shouted excitedly: "Mom, I just saw the fairy sister praying! Mom, I saw the fairy sister praying! Mom, I saw the fairy sister praying!"

 Speaking important things three times, the little girl’s innocent appearance made everyone laugh.

 The little girl insisted on asking what is the only thing in the night? Ask yourself what it is again.

 The girl’s mother just saw that her child was safe and did not stop her from talking to Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei thought about it and told her, "Sister is not a little fairy, but as cute as you are, she must be a little angel sent down to earth by God."

Little girls love fairy tales. At this innocent and wonderful age, these words do not mean deceiving, but let the children have a very pure heart.

Appearance is justice. Ye Weiwei is so good-looking that even children like her.

But the child’s mother was also a smart woman. She knew that a boyfriend and girlfriend were dating here, and she took the child’s hand and left after a while.

Ye Weiwei moved his fingers, and then he realized that his fingers and Ye Xichen's were still intertwined.

Standed up and turned around, catching Ye Xichen's eyes.

It should be said that when she was communicating with the children just now, Ye Xichen kept staring at her.

"You like children very much?" Ye Xichen asked a sensitive topic.

Ye Weiwei didn’t think too much. She said what she thought sincerely, “The child is so cute, of course I like it. If I can have a lovely daughter in the future, I feel that my life will be complete!”

“Oh? Are you implying that I should marry you home earlier and have a daughter?”

 “What, you are trying to trick me and make fun of me!”

 A date between two people does not need to be grand, but as long as they are connected in spirit, they can appreciate the beauty of it.


The little girl holding a book followed her mother around the Stargazing Cliff. When she walked down the slope, she saw a man in black clothes standing on the roadside. The little girl pointed at the man and turned around and asked herself Mom asked, “Mom, is that the old witch?”

Most people know that a little girl won't take her jokes seriously, but this man rushed out impatiently, "Damn kid! What are you talking about!"

 She revealed her voice as soon as she opened her mouth. She was a young woman.

 (End of this chapter)

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