My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 739: You're going to choke me out

Chapter 739 You are going to crush me

The young woman looked in the direction of Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen, as if she was afraid of exposing something, so she went back.

 The woman protected her child and apologized, and the child responded in a well-educated manner: "I'm sorry."

 “Get out of here!” The young woman scolded the child away angrily, and her eyes fell on the two people leaning against each other not far away, becoming more and more vicious.

 Meteors are fleeting, and beautiful nights are the time for lovers to spend time together.

“This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city center and feels so peaceful.”

 “Don’t you like the bustling life?”

“Of course I like the bustling life, but I don’t know how to relax in such an environment. When I think about what I will face when I go back, I have a headache.”

“Did Mr. Qiao ask you to take over the company?”

"Yeah." Ye Weiwei nodded, admitting that the biggest worry in his heart came from the Qiao family.

 Mr. Qiao is very good to her. In the TV series, it is said that he is afraid that his family property will be taken away by outsiders, but Mr. Qiao has always believed in her and wants to cultivate her and Qiao Yu.

 But Qiao really not a business material.

 Ye Youwei’s major is the same as his job. He is also very smart and can analyze the market situation in a timely manner and make accurate judgments.

 Such a talent is of course the most suitable successor in Mr. Qiao's mind, not to mention that Ye Weiwei is the granddaughter of the woman Mr. Qiao likes most in his life.

 “You won’t be happy if you do that.”

 “But that’s my responsibility.”

 “The Qiao family is not your responsibility.”

“When you have an extra family relationship, you have to bear the corresponding responsibilities.” She longed for that family relationship at the beginning and received sincere treatment from Mr. Qiao. Now she cannot be ungrateful and just let it go.

Ye Xichen raised his hand and gently placed it on her head. A low and soothing voice like the strings of a cello whispered in her ear, "I will take on your responsibility."

 “Ye Xichen.”


 “You are an idiot!”

 “Dong—” He curled his fingers slightly, tapped her forehead lightly, and scolded her softly, “What nonsense.”

“You are a fool to take all the responsibilities on yourself. You feel sorry for me. Don’t I want you to be happy?”

 “My happiness is that I hope you are happy…”

His heart is so small that he can only pretend to be a person.

 But it was just that one person who had already filled his little heart to the fullest, and that was enough.

Ye Weiwei narrowed his eyes and put his head into Ye Xichen's arms.

She said nothing, a tear is worth a thousand words.

Pinched the red ears with his fingers, he coaxed softly, "Don't cry."

Ye Weiwei shook her head in his arms, squirming around and not daring to show her face, "I didn't cry."

 “I heard it all.”

 “No! I didn’t cry!”

Ye Weiyi firmly denied it, but Ye Xichen had no choice but to coax her, "Okay, okay, you're not crying. Don't bury yourself and suffocate yourself."


 “But…” Ye Xichen stopped talking.

Ye Weiwei was buried in his arms and didn't hear clearly, so he asked casually: "What?"

 Feel the man's palm on his shoulder, and his deep voice, "You're going to crush me."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Ye Weiyi was stunned for ten seconds before he suddenly understood its meaning.

She quickly pushed the person away and covered her face with her hands. This time she was not moved to tears, but her face was as red as blood.

She understood her correctly... What she did just now seemed like she was playing tricks on Ye Xichen, right?

  I’m too embarrassed to see anyone!

   嘤嘤嘤, Little Bell is acting like a hooligan.

It seems that one day a person will appear and say to me: "I will bear your responsibility."

   Invisible flirting is the most deadly



 (End of this chapter)

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