My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 740: Invisible temptation is the most deadly

Chapter 740: Invisible flirting is the most deadly

 “Little bell, go pursue your dream.”

Ye Xichen effortlessly took the person out of his arms and looked straight into her eyes.

 The heart beat uncontrollably, but it was completely different from the shy feeling before.

 It was as if a hot current was about to emerge from my heart.

She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say to express her gratitude. Instead, she foolishly wanted to hear the answer from Ye Xichen, "I...what is my dream?"

Ye Xichen saw hope in her eyes, as well as anxiety and uneasiness. And his responsibility is to get rid of all the uneasiness for her.

 So he told Ye Weiyi, "Such a beautiful voice cannot be let down."

 The only thing Ye likes is sound, her music!

She has not received professional training, but she often practices her voice according to those instructional videos. She has always felt that no matter how much she likes it, she can only treat it as a hobby. No one has ever been so serious about letting her pursue her true dream. .

But Ye Xichen did it!

Ye Xichen is probably the person who understands her best in the world, even better than herself.

 With such a thoughtful man who treats you tenderly, how can you escape from his Wuzhishan!

    Anyway, the only thing I can't do is stay awake and rational at night.

She now regards Ye Xichen as her number one male god. She is always the kind of person who gets excited when she sees him, but he is so charming to her.

 They did not take the cable car when going down from the Star Observation Cliff, but still chose to walk.

The two of them held hands quietly for a date, but tonight was truly a rare moment.

We walked to a resting place halfway, Ye Weiwei pulled Ye Xichen to stand beside it, and Ye Xichen squatted down.

“Come up.” Ye Xichen looked at Ye Weiyi and pointed at his back.

This look clearly told her to get on his back.

“Brother, are you going to carry me on your back?”

 “Why not?”

 “No need, I’m not tired.”

 “Whether you are tired or not, this is your duty as a boyfriend and... welfare.”

How can you describe such a tiring period of carrying people down the mountain as a welfare?

 Invisible flirting is the most deadly!

Ye Weiwei struggled with Ye Xichen for a long time, and finally he lay on Ye Xichen's back with peace of mind.

 The two of them walked down slowly, not in any hurry.

 Ye Weiwei put her hands around his neck, and her bright pupils were full of joy like a starry river.

“Brother, do you still remember the first time you carried me on your back?”


"Wow!" Ye Weiyi didn't expect that Ye Xichen would answer "remember" without hesitation. She felt a little excited and expected, so she chased him for the answer, "You still remember, when did you say it was?"

 “Five years old, by the pool, a little guy was acting mischievously.”

Ye Xichen told the truth without mercy, which really made Ye Weiwei blush and still angry.

She defended herself unwillingly, "I'm not a scumbag, I'm smart. I fell in love with you at first sight!"

Ye Xichen smiled and did not refute her words.

Of course it’s not love at first sight.

 Children are simple-minded. The meaning of affection and liking when they meet when they are young is of course different from the love at first sight when they grow up.

As for the matter of betraying someone for the first time, we have to start with the first time the two met.

The first time Ye Xichen met Ye Xichen was in the pool of Ye's villa. She was very scared when she accidentally fell into the pool. At that time, Ye Xichen appeared like a combination of a knight and a prince in a fairy tale.

I feel like Brother Chen is teasing people all the time. He is domineering, sinister, cold and gentle. He treats different people with different masks, but only Ye Weiwei has seen everything about him!



 (End of this chapter)

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