My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 746: I won't let you run away with the wild man

Chapter 746 I won’t let you run away with the wild man

“I heard that my aunt has been looking for a girlfriend for you, don’t you like it?”

"I like you." Nangong Luo blurted out these words, but he was typing them in text and sending them to Gong Qianli.

Gong Qianli: "???"

Her reaction when hearing this sentence was not excitement, fear or guilt, if there were three question marks above her head?

“Nangong Luo, have you been itchy lately? You actually dare to tease me!”

 “Well, no one believes the truth these days.”

Just with this sighing tone, Gong Qianli could automatically imagine Nangong Luo's funny expression at the moment.

She was actually laughing, but her reply on QQ was particularly violent, "If you keep talking nonsense, I'll blow your head off!"

“So the noble and beautiful Princess Liuli is willing to watch a movie to relieve my worries?”

“I, the Queen, have carefully considered this. If I help you once, I will treat it as a good deed every day.”

 “As commanded!”

 After making an appointment with Gong Qianli, the expression on Nangong Luo's face clearly changed from the previous one.

 And Gong Qianli seemed to be in a good mood.

At this time, the little cousin who was a guest at the Gong family suddenly ran over, pointed at Gong Qianli's face, and laughed several times, "Sister Liuli, you laugh so lustfully."

Gong Qianli laughed "ha", "No wonder you failed the final exam and came to my house. Do you understand the meaning of this idiom?"

 Xiao Zhengtai raised her chin high and said proudly: "Of course I understand! Sister Liuli must be on the phone with her brother-in-law to act like this."

Gong Qianli: “…”

Her cousin has been a living treasure since he was a child. The five or six-year-old naughty kid calls Nangong Luo brother-in-law when he sees him. Now six years later, the naughty kid has grown up to be a young lady, and his words are getting more and more to the point!

Gong Qianli can’t resist him!

 First, because this little cousin is the only male of the Gong family's generation and is very precious; second, because they have a good relationship. Although they are at odds with each other on the surface, they regard each other as close relatives in their hearts.

 So it doesn’t matter if you curse a few times, but don’t dare to take it seriously.

The little cousin is very naughty and likes to make fun of her and Nangong Luo. She even calls Nangong Luo "brother-in-law" happily.

Gong Qianli resisted the urge to slap him in the face, put her hands on her hips and let out a domineering roar: "Gong Zaizai, get out of the way and cool off!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, another strong female voice bombarded her majesty like a cannonball, "Gong Qianli, who are you trying to scare! Have you ever done this to your cousin? Believe it or not, I will kill you." Go to the corner and cool down!"

“…” Gong Qianli pinched her ears and immediately surrendered, “Mom, I was wrong.”

 Like son than like mother!

 She is so carefree that she sometimes acts like a spoiled brat and sometimes explodes on the spot, all because she inherited it from her mother.

Not daring to argue with her mother, Gong Qianli had no choice but to admit defeat.

Gong Qianli commanded in a low voice, "Gong Zaizai, hurry up and let's play."

The little cousin clicked his tongue and shook his head, "You already call me Zaizai. I have to stay by your side even if it's a waste of time."

Gongzaizai is the nickname of my little cousin.

My little cousin has been naughty since he was a child, and his parents were so angry that they chased people with whips and called him "Xiao Zai Zai", so the nickname "Gong Zai Zai" came out.

Gong Qianli was afraid of being pestered, so she said something serious, "I want to go out and watch a movie."

 “Who are you going with?”

Gong Qianli: "???"

Little cousin, why are you looking so serious and alert?

 “Children don’t need to know so much.”

“But my brother-in-law said he couldn’t let the man you followed run away.”

 (End of this chapter)

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