My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 747: Love is a light, so green that you shine

Chapter 747 Love is a light, so green that you shine

"When did Nangong Luo teach you to say such things?" When Gong Qianli acknowledged Nangong Luo's status as "brother-in-law", the little cousin suddenly took a step back.


I saw my little cousin tilting his head and squinting forward. Gong Qianli looked along and saw Gu Chengxi passing by the corridor next to him.

Gong Qianli immediately stood up straight and took two steps forward. He raised one hand and waved to Gu Chengxi to say hello to him.

But Gu Chengxi didn't seem to see them and turned a blind eye to them. He walked by without even squinting his eyes.

Gong Qianli felt as if tens of thousands of grass and mud horses were running through her heart at that time.

Gong Zaizai: "My brother-in-law said he couldn't let the man you followed run away."

Gong Qianli: "When did Nangong Luo teach you to say such things?"

  Doesn't the linking of these two sentences mean that Nangong Luo is Gong Zaizai's brother-in-law?

 This relationship... is indeed a huge misunderstanding!

It was entirely because Gong Zaizai's call of "brother-in-law" to Nangong Luo was deeply rooted in people's hearts and memories. No matter how she corrected her, she couldn't do it, so she developed the habit of answering.

Gong Qianli intertwined her fingers and fisted, with a fierce look in her eyes, "Gong Zaizai, you are going to kill me! If I can't chase the man I like, I will kill you!"

These harsh words did not scare Gong Zaizai at all.

Gong Zaizai started to use idioms randomly again, "Sister Liuli, do you want Hongxing to cheat on you?"

Gong Qianli silently raised a hand, and the slightly curved finger almost hit Gong Zaizai on the head.

I heard Gong Zaizai start talking nonsense again, "Love is a light, so green that you shine."

 “If you want to live a decent life, you must always have a little green on your head.”

Gong Qianli took a deep breath and gritted her teeth to hold back the sinful act of wanting to catch Gong Zaizai, hang her up and beat her.

Gong Qianli followed the route Gu Chengxi took and saw Gu Chengxi chatting with his father.

Although the Gu family has been studying medicine for generations, their job is not only to study medicine, but also needs to deal with some business matters.

Gong Qianli quietly walked around to the back of the sofa and squatted down. She could clearly hear the conversation between the two, but she was confused and didn't understand it very well.

Tired from squatting, she simply sat down on the floor tiles.

 Suddenly, the person in front became silent.

Gong Qianli pressed one hand on the back of the sofa and tried hard to put her ears out to listen.

  I knew a not-so-familiar but very unique man’s voice sounded from above my head, “What are you doing here?”

Gong Qianli looked up and looked at each other with the condescending Gu Chengxi.

 About three seconds later, Ye Weiyi had already pressed his head hard!

At this moment, even her father, Mr. Gong, was so angry that he felt distressed, "What are you doing? You are so embarrassed in front of the guests, why don't you get up quickly!"

 Mr. Gong has a good face and loves his daughter at home. However, when there are guests around, Mr. Gong becomes a little uncontrollable.

Gong Qianli's mind raced and she came up with an excuse, "I dropped something on the ground and can't find it, forget it."

Seeing that she was exposed, Gong Qianli didn't bother to hide.

She stood up and sat down directly next to her, listening quietly to her father discussing business matters with Gu Chengxi.

Gong Qianli took this opportunity to observe Gu Chengxi up close, and secretly took a photo and sent it to the group.

 Because she made sure that Gu Chengxi would not play with his mobile phone now, she dared to do something **** in the group.

 The operation was as fierce as a tiger's. Looking back, only Gu Li was cheering.

Gu Li poked her privately and said, "My brother is going on a blind date today. Sister-in-law, please pay attention."

 (End of this chapter)

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