My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 751: If she likes you, she will come to you

Chapter 751 If she likes you, she will come to you

“Brother, your sunflowers are broken. Where is your girlfriend?”

Hearing someone talking, Nangong Luo looked up and saw the little girl selling flowers just now.

 He did not talk about flowers, but asked the little girl, "Child, why don't you go home?"

 “My mother’s flower shop is here.”

The little girl raised her finger and pointed in the direction. It turned out that there was a flower shop opposite, but he had never noticed it.

Nangong Luo asked the little girl why he didn’t go home, and the little girl asked him why he didn’t go home. “Why doesn’t brother go home?”

 “Because the person I’m waiting for hasn’t come yet.”

“Oh, it turns out that my brother’s girlfriend is late!” The little girl nodded in realization, and then began to comfort Nangong Luo, “My mother said it’s normal for girls to be late for dates, so brother, you have to wait patiently!”

“Then did your mother tell you what to do when you can’t wait?”

 “Hmm~” The little girl shook her head, and the pronunciation of the words changed several tones, as if to refute his words.

"Tell my brother secretly that my father always waits for my mother for a long time. Another time I waited for my mother with my father. I felt that my mother would not come back, but my father insisted on waiting. My father said that my mother likes us and will definitely come. ”

This sentence is as complicated as a tongue twister, but the meaning is easy to understand.

Nangong Luo understood.

The little girl concluded her sentence in the end and told him categorically: "My brother's girlfriend must also like him, and she will definitely come!"

 The child was firm in his thoughts and did not notice the loneliness in Nangong Luo's eyes.

Nangong Luo ultimately did not tell the little girl the truth, but only told her to go home early.

It happened that the proprietress of the flower shop opposite also waved in this direction, calling the little girl to go home.

 There are gradually fewer people around the cinema.

 There were two more cigarette butts at his feet.

The heartless Gong Qianli was having such a good time chatting with Bai Junruo that she almost forgot that she had other unfinished urban areas. It wasn't until she returned to Gong's house that she suddenly remembered that she agreed to watch a movie with Nangong Luo.

But she thought she had told Nangong Luo in advance that Nangong Luo knew how to be flexible and should be able to find other friends.

 Before going to bed, Gong Qianli sent a message to Nangong Luo to ask him how the battle was going tonight.

Nangong Luo didn’t reply, but made a phone call immediately.

Gong Qianli spoke before him, "How is it? Have you passed Aunt Nangong's test?"

 “You heartless girl, you’re doing me a favor and I’m going to the movies alone with two movie tickets. It’s so boring.”

“What? You went alone, didn’t I tell you to find someone else to accompany you? Are you stupid?”

 “Those who let my doves go have no right to scold me.”

Gong Qianli seemed to hear the sound of a car honking its horn. She listened carefully and found that there were sounds of cars passing by on the other end of the phone. It should be on the side of the road.

“Luo, why haven’t you gone home yet? It’s so late.”

 “Of course I’m waiting for you.”

 “Wait for me? It’s already midnight!”

“Haha, I’m just teasing you. If you don’t come to play with me, you won’t allow me to have fun by myself.” Nangong Luo smiled happily.

Before Gong Qianli could express her position, Nangong Luo hung up the phone in a hurry, "No more talking, I have a night out with my brother, bye."

 “You’re still playing, this Nangong bastard, he doesn’t do his job all day long.”

 Without her voice in my ears, it was as if the whole world had become silent.

 A lonely figure stood under the street lamp, his shadow stretched very long.

 “Liu Li, you are right.”

 I’m just stupid.

   Looking at how you said you only felt sorry for Luo for a few seconds, it seems like you don’t feel very distressed at all.



 (End of this chapter)

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