My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 752: After recovering from his illness, he proposed!

Chapter 752: He recovered and proposed marriage!

A lot of things seemed to have happened in just two days, such as Nangong Luo's crazy work, and Ye Xichen's decision to return to the Mo family.

When Ye Xichen made his decision, the first person he wanted to see was not Ye Weiwei or the Mo family, but the mother who gave birth to him and raised him—Mrs. Ye Ye Yafei.


When Mrs. Ye heard Ye Xichen saying that she was going back to Mo's house, she was so angry that she smashed the cup in her hand.

"Chen'er, my mother has agreed with most of the things you want to do since you were a child. Even if she doesn't agree at the beginning, she will compromise in the end because she can't bear to see you disappointed. But this is the only thing I never agree with!"

For Mrs. Ye, letting Ye Xichen return to the Mo family does not mean that she has another person to rely on. On the contrary, she will not be involved with those people and may easily cause other unnecessary troubles.

Ye Xichen did not argue with Madam Ye, but rationally analyzed the pros and cons.

"Mom, it's just a decision I made after careful consideration. I know what you want. I can assure you that returning to the Mohist family will not affect us. It can even help me create higher achievements with the help of the Mohist family's heritage!"

  It is not moved by true feelings, but it is more convincing than any kind of family affection.

Mrs. Ye originally knew that the Mo family had some abilities, but now that Ye Xichen said that returning to the Mo family could bring benefits to her, she began to feel shaken.

Weighing the pros and cons, Madam Ye did not immediately agree with Ye Xichen's decision.

 It’s not enough that Ye Xichen’s goal has been achieved.

I heard that Gong Qianli, who was dedicated to serving the people, took Ye Yiyi to do volunteer work at the welfare home on a whim.

Ye Xichen looked for the name of the welfare home and saw Gong Qianli and Ye Weiyi playing with the children in the children's lounge.

The only one singing in the night, the clear voice has not been modified in any way, it is natural and pure.

 Children are noisy, but there is no trace of impatience on their faces.

 The smile on her face was very real and sweet, it was happiness from the bottom of her heart.

 She really likes children.

Ever since the day at Guanxing Cliff, Ye Xichen had wanted to return to the Mo family.

 Because the Mohists could cure his hereditary heart disease!

  It is not that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but that he is afraid of misfortune and delaying the night.

Gu Chengxi is also working hard to develop it. He can wait, but he hopes that Ye Weiyi can get the best from the beginning.

 There is, the only dream at night.

As long as he returns to the Mo family, the close relationship between Mo Si and Mr. Qiao will be good for him.

Meeting hastily in the Qiao family's affairs will definitely arouse Mr. Qiao's resentment. He needs layers of relationships as a foundation to assume the sole responsibility of Ye.

 He will never be able to pursue his favorite hobby as he pleases in his life, so he is willing to take on all the heavy responsibilities and support the girl he loves.

Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli were always insinuating about when he would propose again because of the last car accident. He had thought about it.

 After recovering from his illness, he proposed!

He has a lot to do, and it is imperative to return to the Mo family!

Secretary Zhao sent an email about the investigation results of the rose incident two days ago.

 The flower shop is a long-established store with good character and quality.

The problem lies with the woman in black who hit Secretary Zhao, but the person's mind was not found in the past two days, which is incredible.

 Ye Weiwei never takes the initiative to make grudges with others, who wants to harm her?

Of course, that bouquet of flowers will pass through the hands of many people, such as Ye Xichen.

He thought he would be his enemy, but he never felt like it.

  In fact…

 “Check out a person for me, Li Mo’er.”

Did you guess it? The person who harmed Little Bell



 (End of this chapter)

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