My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 754: The only person who harmed the night turned out to be her

Chapter 754 The only person who harmed Ye turned out to be her

 The little boy was frightened and kept crying after being locked up by the dean.

 Ye Youwei was injured, and the dean was even more frightened.

The two eldest ladies who came to volunteer were both from high-status backgrounds, and their families had invested charity funds in the welfare home. Now someone is injured here, and the dean is so scared!

 “You unlucky boy, where did the things in there come from? Tell me!”

 The dean usually gets along with children and has a very good temper.

 But now that such a big thing happened, no matter how good her temper was, she couldn't hold back.

The dean was worried. The child only cried and couldn't say anything.

Gong Qianli and Ye Weiwei returned to the orphanage, and the dean hurriedly greeted them.

Ye Youwei tried to get close to the child. When he saw her, the little boy started crying again and hid in a corner.

 But this place is empty and there is no place to hide.

“Dongdong! Come here and answer whatever my sister asks!”

The dean was angry, and the little boy named Dongdong cried even harder.

Gong Qianli pulled the dean out.

Ye Ziyi knew not to be in a hurry.

Faced with a child who is not very sensible, the more you yell at him, the less likely you are to get the answer you want.

"Is your name Dongdong? Don't be afraid. My sister won't hurt you. I still want to ask you a few questions."

“Dongdong is so well-behaved, you will tell me, right?”

The only voice in the night is very gentle, making people feel cordial when listening to it.

Just like this, she learned many clues from Dongdong's mouth.

Originally Dongdong was painting, and a sister came in and told him that he could use paint to draw better-looking words. However, the sister said that her hand was injured and could not help with the paint, so she pointed at Ye Weiyi and asked Dongdong to go to Ye Weiyi for help. .

The child was simple-minded and just wanted to be able to draw well, so he asked Ye Weiwei to help him get paints.

 After that... something like that happened.

 “Is there any monitoring in the welfare home?”

 “There is one at the gate.”

I heard from the dean that there was a surveillance camera at the gate, so I went to look for it, but when I asked, I found out that the surveillance camera at the gate was accidentally broken?

 It was broken yesterday and we haven’t had time to repair it today.

However, you cannot enter or exit the welfare home at will, and you need to register with an ID card.

They checked a page, and the names were all unfamiliar and bland.

 Translated Dongdong's description of the woman to the doorman, who thought hard for a long time, "I remembered that there was a woman wearing clothes and a mask, and she seemed to be called by this name..."

The guard pointed at the registration book and saw that the man's name was Li Xi.

 An unfamiliar name, Ye Weiwei has no impression of it.

 “I can’t remember exactly, maybe it was her.”

The guard guards the door every day and sees many people but doesn’t care too much.

 There is no surveillance video, and the person who had the most contact was a child. These clues are not included in the previous ones.

 Looking at Li Xi, there are hundreds of people with the same name in S City.

“What should we do now? Having only one name is like finding a needle in a haystack.” Gong Qianli was furious.

Ye Weiwei was particularly calm, "No, the orphanage does not have surveillance, but the flower shop does."

Seeing Ye Weiwei's planful look, Gong Qianli was slightly excited, "Have you thought of a solution yet?"

“Liuli, where did the knowledge you learned in the police academy go for three years?”

 Innocent face, "Going to fight..."

They quickly tuned in the video from the flower shop and showed it to Dongdong. Dongdong pointed to the woman wearing black clothes in the video and confirmed, "That's the sister!"

"very good."

 (End of this chapter)

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