My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 755: Li Moer is released from prison

Chapter 755 Li Moer is released from prison

"There are so many people in the orphanage. She changed the paint to sulfuric acid and broke the stool. It must have taken a lot of time. Maybe someone else has seen her."

 Show screenshots of the video to other people. Those children actually don’t care much about it. Some people say they have seen it, but it has no practical effect.

That woman came prepared and was naturally cautious.

Ye Ziyi had the intention to hide it, but Ye Xichen still knew that she was in danger, so he kept her with him these days and was not allowed to stay away from his sight.

Based on Dongdong's identification, they had a rough figure. They focused on City S and found several people for questioning. After eliminating them one by one, they lost the clue.

As a police academy student, Gong Qianli is particularly concerned about this matter. Now that she has not found out the results, she is a little frustrated.

Gong Qianli complained deeply, "Is this person a devil? Where is he hiding? So many of us can't find him."

Ye Weiwei pondered for a moment and said, "Perhaps, her identity is fake."


"We may have thought wrong from the beginning. She had the intention to harm me. How could she leave her name so generously?" The ID card can be forged, and it is not scanned by some agency. The guard cannot tell the identity just by looking at it. The authenticity of the certificate.

Gong Qianli liked her with more of a sense of admiration, and sincerely suggested, "Youyi, I think you should become a police officer."

Ye Weiwei couldn't laugh or cry, "Forget it, I don't have that ambition."

The city of S is very big. It is not easy to find a woman who has no name information and only knows her gender and body shape.

"Since that woman wants to harm me, she will definitely appear by my side. Otherwise, how about we lure the snake out of its hole?" Ye Weiwei offered to act as a bait, hoping to lure out the murderer.

 But this idea was refuted by Ye Xichen as soon as he proposed it, "I won't put you in danger."

Even if she is properly protected, who knows what unexpected things the crazy woman will do?

 It would be safest to send someone to follow Ye Youwei.

 Ye racked her brains and couldn't think of anyone she knew who had that body shape?

Moreover, this person clearly appeared suddenly after she returned to China. Where did she go and whom did she offend?

 “Who could it be?”

While walking around the room thinking, a sudden idea flashed in her mind, and a person's name came out of her mouth, "Li Mo'er!"

 “It’s not yet certain that it’s her.”

Ye Weiwei opened the door and walked in at that moment. Apparently he heard Ye Weiwei's speculations to himself.

Ye Weiwei asked, "Why do you say that?"

"I checked and found that Li Mo'er has indeed been released from prison, but she has been sent abroad by her family, and her identity document and other information are in normal use." Ye Xichen informed her of the news collected in the past few days.

Ye Weiwei sighed after hearing this.

There was just a little bit of a sign, but it was snuffed out again.

 She really can’t think of anyone else right now?

"Who on earth wants to harm me like this? Have I done anything unreasonable?" Ye Weiwei was not afraid of that person, but felt very troubled by it.

Ye Xichen took her into his arms and patted her back to comfort her, "Don't think too much, I have everything."

 The atmosphere between the two of them is very harmonious.

Ye Xichen suddenly mentioned, "One more thing. I gave the dry sound you recorded earlier to a friend in a music production company."


“I said I wanted you to be free to chase your dreams, and I will do it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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