My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 756: Why don't you touch me?

Chapter 756 Why don’t you touch me?

“However, there is one more thing that needs to be put on the agenda.”


 “Go back to Mojia.”

“!” Ye Weiwei was immediately stunned.

 How come she didn’t know at all that Ye Xichen planned to return to the Mo family?

“Is this a sudden decision?”

 “It’s been a few days.”

Ye Weiwei nodded and did not ask Ye Xichen why he didn't tell her at the beginning.

 When people get along with each other and the trust and tacit understanding reach a certain level, there is no need to say everything out loud.

“You didn’t tell me at first because you knew I would support your decision.”


“But I don’t know why my brother suddenly decided to go back. Did Grandma Mo’s words shake your heart?”

 “I want to protect my girl and accompany her to grow old together.”

Ye Xichen spoke with sweet words of love, and Ye Weiyi smiled in a low voice.

She raised her head slightly, and Ye Xichen lowered his head. The two of them moved up and down, their foreheads touching each other lightly, filled with affection.

Slender white arms went up to wrap around the man's neck, and she hooked her hands while standing on tiptoes. Her warm red lips pressed against his lips, leaving a wet kiss.

 She is bold but also easily shy.

The two blushes on her cheeks couldn't be hidden, but the pretty girl was still bold. She took the initiative to kiss him, her body was close to him, and there was no gap between the two of them.

 He said: "Don't seduce me."

She moved away slightly, and when she curved the corners of her mouth, her two sweet dimples were revealed, her eyes overflowed with an intoxicating smile, and her humming voice was as clear as a silver bell on her wrist.

 “I’m just confessing.” She was so bold.

 There is a truth that if told, she might not even believe it.

 But that fact exists.

  That is... She met Ye Xichen when she was 5 years old, understood her feelings at 15 years old, and established a relationship at 18 years old, until she is 22 years old now.

They have been living together, but Ye Xichen is 26 years old and has never really touched her.

  She is an adult and knows the things between men and women.

 What she had heard from others or read in books was that men liked things in bed.

 She didn’t know if Ye Xichen liked it.

Ye Xichen can also be emotional, but he has never been willing to cross the last hurdle.

 In fact, she doesn't mind. If the target is him, she is willing to give her wholeheartedly to him.

 But Ye Xichen kept insisting on something.

At Gong Qianli's instigation, she mustered up the courage to flirt with her. That night was really crazy, and Ye Xichen woke up at the last moment. He would rather take a shower in the middle of winter without touching her.

 She was very sad at that time.

They obviously like each other, so why did Ye Xichen still refuse to touch her even though she took the initiative to sit down like that? It can't be a physical problem, it means he doesn't want to.

 Why not? When a hot-tempered man faces an adult woman, he can remain rational in that situation. Is it because he doesn't have those feelings and thoughts about her?

 She was no longer the tearful little girl she was before, but she cried in aggrievedness that night.

When Ye Xichen got out of the cold water, he found her hiding in bed crying in embarrassment, and he held her in his arms for a gentle coaxing.

 She saw that his lips were a little blue, and she felt very sad when she thought of him taking a shower in the cold winter.

 But still don’t understand, “Why don’t you want to touch me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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