My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 760: picturesque beauty

Chapter 760 Beautiful as a Picturesque

“Is this the child that Third Uncle left behind?”

“Grandma said she would bring someone here today. This girl has never been seen before, so it’s probably her.”

The only people who saw Ye thought she was the child that Mo Si left outside, because Old Mrs. Mo refused to tell them the name of the child at first.

 Looking at this age, it is similar to the description.

“It’s a pity that we can’t see her face, otherwise we would know what the third uncle’s daughter looks like.” Situ Xiao, the daughter of the Situ family, sighed softly, seeming a little regretful.

Mo Ruoshuang, the eldest daughter of Mr. Mo, took a step forward and said, "I want to know what she looks like. Why don't you go over and have a look?"

Mo Feng, the only son of Mr. Mo, stood there with his arms folded and a calm expression, "The third uncle was handsome when he was young. I think his daughter can't be any worse, no matter how ugly she is."

Situ Xiao observed the expressions of the Mo cousins ​​respectively, and asked tentatively: "It sounds like you are not too enthusiastic about this new sister?"

They have been friends since they were young, and Mo Ruoshuang did not hesitate to speak, and directly expressed her inner thoughts, "The Mo family has many juniors, but there are three or four sisters in the direct line. We have a better relationship when we grow up together." , and there is no need for one more.”

The Mo family is not short of grandchildren, so having another sister is a bit redundant for them. After all, they don’t even know each other.

Mo Feng added: "But Third Uncle has been alone for so many years, so it would be good to have a daughter now."

At this moment, the only person who has changed from a squatting position to standing is.

Wearing an elegant long skirt, she stood beside the flowers. She moved lightly with her lotus steps, and the flowing skirt swayed accordingly. Her graceful back made people think of her, like a painting of distant mountains.

 You might even look forward to how pretty that girl would look like?

Mo Ruoshuang commented, "Looking at her figure, she should be a beauty."

Situ Xiao didn't take it seriously, "It doesn't matter what the figure is. Which of the three Shuang Yuxue sisters from the Mo family is not as beautiful as a flower? How beautiful can the new sister be compared to the three of them?"

Her brother Situ Yan, who had been standing silently next to her, finally said the first words, "Xiao Xiao, don't talk nonsense."

Situ Xiao snorted and did not take his brother's advice to heart.

He still spoke plausibly, "Brother, I am telling the truth. Which one is not good-looking, Ruoshuang, Ruoyu, or Ruoxue? They are both daughters raised in the Mo family, so they are definitely better than those from outside."

What she said sounded somewhat reasonable, and Mo Ruoshuang was very happy to hear it.

 The average appearance of the Mo family is quite good, and the three Mo Ruoshuang sisters are the best among them.

The four of them were standing here talking. Situ Yan, who had a keen ear, said: "There is a ringing sound."

They calmed down and listened carefully, and Mo Ruoshuang followed suit, "I seemed to hear a faint sound of bells too."

 “It must have come from...her.”

Following the direction of Mo Ruoshuang's finger, everyone looked at Ye Weiwei.

 Ye Youwei shuttled on the path among the flowers. His light body was like a dancing butterfly, and the crisp silver bells struck people's hearts.

As soon as Situ Yan saw that graceful figure, he felt a surge of heat in his heart, and his heartbeat became clearer and clearer.

No one else noticed anything strange about him, but Mo Ruoshuang instigated everyone to go forward, "Let's go over and say hello to her."

 (End of this chapter)

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