My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 761: She is Master Chen’s fiancée

Chapter 761 She is Master Chen’s fiancée

They wanted to say hello to Ye Weiwei and get to know this new "cousin".

Ke Ye only didn't know why, so he sped up and walked straight in that direction.

Mo Ruoshuang wanted to catch up and call him, but Mo Feng quickly stopped her, "Forget it, we'll see you later."

  “Also good.”

The four of them could not see Ye Weiwei, so they returned to the hall.

The names of the four junior members of the Mo family are based on the word wind, frost, rain and snow. Mo Feng is the only boy, and the other three are all girls.

Mo Ruoyu and Mo Ruoshuang traveled abroad for seven days and just came back today. After being brought home, they went to their room to tidy up and rest.

 When Mo Feng and others returned to the living room, they did not see Ye Weiwei as expected.

Mo Ruoshuang stopped the housekeeper and asked, "Why didn't the third uncle's daughter come back today? Why didn't she see anyone?"

"Daughter?" The housekeeper was stunned. The person who came back was obviously a son, so why would he ask his daughter?

However, the housekeeper soon realized that the "daughter" Mo Ruoshuang mentioned should refer to Qiao Li.

 The housekeeper smiled cheerfully and was about to explain the relationship between the characters when Ye Youwei appeared at the door.

Her appearance is accompanied by a string of pleasant bells, which does not make people feel noisy.

 When the ringing stopped, everyone could clearly see the appearance of the man who appeared at the door.

The long skirt with a waist can't hide her slender figure, and the exposed arms are as white as snow. The overall appearance alone gives people a sense of refined temperament, and then look at the appearance... It is not only like a flower, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like a fairy. .

 The housekeeper saw her first.

"Miss Qiao, are you back after your transfer?" Because Old Mrs. Mo had specifically warned her, the housekeeper could be said to be quite enthusiastic towards Ye Zi.

  Ye Weiwei nodded, his eyes moving like a flowing clear spring.

She also saw the group of people in the hall. They were all unfamiliar faces and she didn’t recognize any of them.

A lot of information about the Mo family quickly passed through his mind, and he recognized Mo Feng and Mo Ruoshuang.

As for the two people next to her who had no impression, maybe she missed it.

Of course, these observations and thoughts only lasted a few seconds while she was thinking.

 In this short period of less than a minute, Mo Feng and others' evaluation of Ye Weiyi has risen by more than one level.

Especially Situ Xiao was slapped in the face for what he just said. This look was even worse than that of the three sisters of the Mo family.

This girl is simply a gift from God. She has such appearance and temperament, and her charm is completely natural.

Ye is the only guest. She follows the etiquette, but it is impossible to be eclectic in this home.

Mo Feng tilted his head slightly and whispered a few words in Mo Ruoshuang's ear.

As a master and a woman, Mo Ruoshuang must take the initiative.

"You are my third uncle's daughter, right? Our cousin?"

"Daughter?" Ye Weiwei felt novel about the words in her mouth, pursed her lips and chuckled, shaking her head, "I'm not."

As soon as this was said, everyone was confused.

"You're not? But you..." Why did you appear at Qiao's house at this time?

The butler came in handy at this time. He stepped forward to ease the awkward atmosphere and explained Ye Weiwei's identity clearly, "This is the fiancée who came back with Master Chen. Her surname is Qiao."

  When the housekeeper introduced her identity, Ye Weiwei kept a faint smile on her face, and the dimples on her cheeks were vaguely visible, but they were not very obvious.

 The impression Ye Weiyi gives people outside has always been a graceful and soft image.

 “Hello, my name is Qiao Li.”

 (End of this chapter)

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