My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 763: Just be gentle to you

Chapter 763 Just be gentle to you

How would you describe their feelings when they first saw Ye Xichen?

  Excellent in spirit and profound in elegance. And has impeccable looks.

Just his thin lips pursed naturally, his dark pupils without warmth, as if he didn't care much about what he saw.

 The people of the Mo family looked at him in a daze.

 They thought of many images, but none of them could describe him.

“Is this my third uncle’s son?”

 No one has an answer to this question, but everyone is almost certain.

 Because if you take a closer look at Ye Xichen's face, you can see that he has a slight resemblance to Mo Si.

Just now I was wondering how good-looking Qiao Li would be if someone as good-looking as him could become his fiancée?

  It wasn’t until the moment I saw him that I understood that if the two of them stood together, the scene would seem like the sun and moon could only serve as a backdrop.

The people of the Mo family are full of curiosity about Ye Xichen, but not everyone is looking forward to and happy about his arrival.

When Ye Xichen returned to the Mo family, he didn't think he would have more relatives to recognize his ancestors, so he didn't care, and he didn't want to explain more.

 In short, from Ye Xichen's point of view, when he returned to the Mo family and the Mo family treated him, it was like a consensual transaction. He did not need to spend energy and time on people who had nothing to do with the transaction.

And a naturally proud man like him does not need to lower his profile to deliberately please anyone.

By then, Ye Weiwei had some affection for the twin sisters and quietly told them, "This is the second brother you are looking for."

When Ye Youwei walked towards him, he saw that those cold eyes had become warm. His gentle big hands took her soft and boneless little hands into his palms and covered them. Only then did he feel truly at ease.

 I don’t know why, but the elders in the family seemed to have made an appointment, but no one showed up.

 Leave a few people of the same age, each with their own ideas.

 Perhaps because there is no restraint from elders, the attitudes towards each other are also different.

As the eldest of the younger generation of the Mo family, Mo Feng set an example and invited everyone to rest in the spacious courtyard. He also ordered his servants to prepare some snacks and harmless entertainment equipment, saying that everyone would take this opportunity to exchange feelings.

Ye Xichen didn’t want to get too involved with the Mo family, and Ye Weiyi was of course mainly based on his ideas.

I just couldn't bear the warm hospitality of the twin sisters. Ye Weiyi couldn't exude the "don't come near me" aura like Ye Xichen did.

“Second sister-in-law, second brother seems a little cold. We are too embarrassed to say hello to him. Is he usually like this?”

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but laugh, and followed her words: "He has such a personality, please forgive me."

 It can’t be said that Ye Xichen became like this only when he came to the Mo family, right? People who don't know think he is very dissatisfied with the Mo family!

Although there is indeed some dissatisfaction.

Two people with special status came to the Mo family. In comparison, Ye Weiwei was generous and decent and did not refuse others' kindness. He was also willing to talk to others. This was considered very easy to get along with.

“Second sister-in-law, do you drink? It’s a very sweet fruit wine. We brought it back from abroad when we were traveling. It tastes very good.”

 The twins kept trying to make Ye Youyi happy, filling her up with a glass and passing it over to her.

Just as Ye Weiwei was about to take it, the other hand snatched the wine glass faster than her and answered for her: "She doesn't drink."

Ye Weiyi retracted his hand and apologized to the twins, "I'm sorry."

Situ Yan frowned when he saw this scene and thought to himself: This Ye Xichen is really a chauvinist, not worthy of that gentle and bright girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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