My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 764: The delusional woman wants to tame Ye Xichen?

Chapter 764: The delusional woman wants to tame Ye Xichen?

Ye Xichen needs to stay in Mojia for treatment for a while.

The next day, the twins took Ye Weiwei out to go shopping, just to look at the surrounding scenery.

Since the twins were determined to have a good relationship with Ye Weiyi, Ye Xichen did not stop them.

It’s just that I don’t know where Ye Xichen allocated the manpower, and arranged it next to Ye Weiwei, and told her to be careful when she went out.

 The twins patted their chests and assured that the security in the area was very good. They were all kind to Ye Yiyi and there would be no problems.

 The implication is that there is no need to arrange any extra bodyguards to follow.

But Ye Xichen insisted on going his own way.

 Ye Yiwei was obedient throughout the whole process and did not refute anything arranged by Ye Xichen.

This made the twins puzzled, "Second sister-in-law, does second brother always take care of you like this? He does all those things directly without your consent, which feels a bit overbearing."

 The twins yearn for freedom and do not like to be restricted by others.

Of course, they couldn't realize that Ye Xichen's only arrangement for Ye was not imposed on her.

As expected, I heard Ye Weiwei say, "I don't feel overbearing. Everything he arranged is for my own good. I have no reason to refute."

 The twins didn’t believe it.

The twins feel more and more that Ye Weiyi's gentle and tactful appearance seems to be easy to bully, why should he be eaten to death by Ye Xichen?

 But no one dared to argue with Ye Xichen directly. After all, his aura was too strong, and the twins did not have the courage to challenge Ye Xichen's authority.

 The twins complained about this to their elder brother and sister privately, and the Situ brothers and sisters also knew about it.

Situ Xiao was a little restless and immediately said, "Look at how submissive Qiao Li is. Ye Xichen keeps her by his side because she is obedient and easy to handle, right? Men need to be tamed, especially an arrogant man like him. , I want to try it.”

 The twins just thought Situ Xiao was joking and didn't pay too much attention.

Sister Mo Ruoyu said: "But I think the second sister-in-law likes the second brother very much. She must be so tolerant because she really likes him."

Sister Mo Ruoxue fits the bill, "The second brother is so good-looking. I heard that he has a special status outside. He manages a large group. He has all the charm that a man should have. It's no wonder that the second sister-in-law is attracted to him."

 The twins kept talking about "second brother and second sister-in-law", but they really recognized the identities of Ye Xichen and Ye Yiyi.

Situ Xiao "understood" Ye Xichen's character from the twins and found this man uniquely charming and quite challenging.

Situ Yan was well aware of his sister's character, so he immediately pierced the layer of paper and told her, "The Ye Xichen who just returned to Mo's house is different from the men you have dated before. You'd better not have any ideas about him!"

 In the past two days, Situ Yan has begun to thoroughly investigate Ye Xichen's identity. He can find a lot of information, but it is all superficial as we all know.

Ye Xichen hides his true self very deeply. That man is unfathomable and not easy to mess with.

 But Situ Xiao didn't seem to take his brother's reminder seriously.

Although she doesn't have Ye Weiwei's stunning appearance, she is very confident in her figure and abilities.

Situ Xiao likes to pursue excitement and likes to tame all kinds of men to prove his ability.

Situ Xiao believes in her own charm very much, "No matter how powerful a man is, he is powerful outside. As for whether he can be tamed, it depends on the woman's ability."

 (End of this chapter)

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