My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 769: Little bell, don't be afraid

Chapter 769 Little bell, don’t be afraid

 “Have you offended anyone?”

“I don’t know.” The three of them shook their heads in unison, indicating that they had no knowledge of the crazy motorcycle.

Ye Xichen heard about this as soon as he returned to Mo's house after receiving today's treatment. He walked in quickly and within a few seconds, he could see the expressions of everyone in the room.

 It seems that there is no big deal.

At last his eyes fell on Ye Weiyi, and when he saw her shaking her head slightly at him, the big stone in Ye Xichen's heart finally fell.

 Fortunately she is fine.

Seeing Ye Xichen come back, everyone at home said a few words to him, but Ye Xichen had lost patience.

“Auntie, so many things happened today. I’m worried that Qiaoqiao will be frightened, so I’ll take her back to her room first.”

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Ye Xichen naturally held Ye Weiwei's hand, and after she stood up from the chair, he changed his position and held her shoulders. It was a very protective posture.

Situ Xiao kept staring at their backs, feeling that this person was unfathomable.

Ye Xichen obviously knew about the motorcycle incident before he came back. According to common sense, he should care about his fiancée, but they stood here for a long time before taking Qiao Ling away... Aren't they not caring enough?

Situ Xiao made up a lot of plots by himself.

Ye Xichen walked to his door with Ye Weiwei in his arms, opening and closing the door in an instant.

 The two stood behind the door, hugging each other tightly.

 “Is everything okay?” The deep voice was full of magnetism and undisguised concern.

Ye Weiwei shook his head and indulged in his arms with pride and coquettishness, "Don't worry, don't forget that I have practiced and haven't let up for so many years!"

 That's why we can develop such a quick reaction speed.

 “How could I not be worried? I shouldn’t have let you out.”

“You promised me last time! How’s it going? Did you find any clues?”

“We are tracking it rapidly and I believe the results will be available soon.”

This accident was both unexpected and expected.

how to say?

 This whole process goes back to the past.

After the unknown woman drugged Ye Wei and poured sulfuric acid, they became more vigilant. Unable to find the conspirator behind it, Ye Weiyi mentioned using himself as bait, but Ye Xichen sternly refused and sent extra personnel for protection.

But she did not give up the idea and asked Ye Xichen, "The enemy is hidden and we are clear. If we don't take the initiative to find her, what will I do if I encounter greater danger? After all, no matter how powerful the bodyguard is, he cannot always be there." Will you stay with me forever?"

After a lot of hard work and the wind blowing in his ears, Ye Xichen finally agreed.

 So these days, Ye Xichen is the only one who has not been at home.

 They knew the man would act again, so it was expected.

  I didn’t know that the man would choose to ride a crazy motorcycle, which was unexpected.

He committed a flagrant crime, and that person really didn't want his life!

“The license plate information of the motorcycle can be blocked. This is by no means an accident. The information has been obtained based on the photos taken, and the owner will be found soon.”

“But according to the analysis of the figure of the person today, it is not the woman who appeared before. It seems that they have accomplices.”

Thinking about today's risks, Ye Weiyi felt lingering fear, "It's really scary. I can't remember anyone with whom I have such a deep grudge."

 “Don’t be afraid, little bell. Don’t go out starting tomorrow.”


Just as the two were hugging each other, Secretary Zhao sent a message, "Found it."

 (End of this chapter)

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