My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 770: Hitting someone on a thunderstorm night

Chapter 770: Hitting someone on a thunderstorm night

“The person behind the attack has been found, and the location will be passed to you immediately.”

"very good!"

Ye Xichen held the phone and looked much more relaxed.

Ye Weiyi, who was leaning next to him, naturally heard what Secretary Zhao said clearly.

 Secretary Zhao is not just a secretary who sits in the office writing materials or accompanies the boss to socialize and drink outside. He can become Ye Xichen's exclusive secretary, and his own strength cannot be underestimated.

 Looking at the specific address sent by Secretary Zhao, they found, "It's in Dongshi."

 “I’ll go there myself.”

"I go with you."

 “We just agreed that you should stay at home.”

“I only know that there is an idiom called adaptability. Brother, in terms of physical fitness, I am better than you now, and I can also protect you.”

Ye Xichen is still in the treatment stage. Even if he has the ability, he will still be restricted by certain factors.

The only thing Ye wants is to be able to hide under a towering tree to protect him from the wind and rain, and to fight side by side with him in a real crisis!

Ye Xichen couldn't resist her, so he still took the person with him.

They rushed over and found out that the specific location was an abandoned factory in Dongshi. The motorcycle had been destroyed and no fingerprints could be collected.

 “Where are the people?”


 “Where did the signal go?”

“Our people are still following us, please don’t worry, Miss Qiao and Mr. Chen.”

Secretary Zhao had just made a conclusion here, but bad news came from the other end.

 “The person has been lost!”

They knew that the man had an accomplice and wanted to take a long shot at catching a big fish. In the end, they found a new number on a stray dog ​​and followed it, and the real culprit had been lost.

Secretary Zhao was slapped in the face instantly, and Ye Xichen's face turned ugly.

“So many people are being tricked by one person? Is this why I arranged for you to come here?”

Ye Xichen was angry, and no one below could refute him.

Ye Weiwei quietly stood next to Ye Xichen and squeezed his hand before giving instructions, "Contact the police station in this area and ask them to intervene in the pursuit on the grounds of deliberately harming people."

 The two of them are strong and soft, just right.

Those people below all said in unison, "We will definitely find the murderer and make amends!"

Ye Weiwei forcibly took Ye Xichen away.

“Since that person has such a keen insight, he really has some means, but I still don’t know what their purpose is.”

“No matter what, the most important thing now is to protect you.”

 “I’m really fine.”

 They reported the case in the name of the Mo family, so the police station naturally did not dare to neglect them.

With their help, the search team was even more powerful, and on a stormy night, the suspect was finally captured!


The summer thunder and lightning storms came fiercely, and a man named "Li Cheng" was finally arrested.

There was lightning and thunderstorm, and Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei did not stay at Mo's house, but found another residence nearby in advance.

Of course, it is also the place they specially prepared for "Licheng"!

When we found the man Li Cheng, we also contacted Li Xi, but after verification, we found that there was no person named "Li Xi" related to Li Cheng at all.

 It is indeed a fake identity.

Their doubt is: Why are they targeting Ye Weiwei?

 But Li Cheng refused to expose the truth.

There was a heavy thunderstorm outside the window, and Situ Yan, who had been delayed for a long time on the way back, was finally about to arrive at his home.

At this moment, the sound of the car braking suddenly was sharp and harsh.

 The driver said in horror: "Master, we have hit someone!"

 (End of this chapter)

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