My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 772: Her name is Xiaomo

 Chapter 772 Her name is Xiaomo

 “I…” The woman covered her head, as if in pain, and whispered the word “mo” in a low voice.

Situ Yan didn’t understand what she was hearing. He grabbed her hand in a hurry and asked, “What are you talking about?”

The woman nodded and shook her head, as if she was confused as well.

“Then let’s call you Xiaomo for now.”

 The woman temporarily named Xiaomo nodded.

Situ Yan couldn't tell her specific age. According to the doctor's test, she was about 22 years old. This Xiaomo was slender and petite, but her skin was not very good. It seemed that her previous life was not very good.

Situ Yan originally thought about finding her past contacts from her mobile phone, but found that her mobile phone had not been found since entering the hospital. Maybe it was dropped on the road yesterday and was picked up.

At this time, Situ Yan could only keep Xiaomo in the hospital temporarily.

 Xiao Mo now has amnesia and cannot remember everyone except basic common sense.

Because Situ Yan often visited her and spent money on her medical treatment, Xiaomo was very attached to Situ Yan.

What Situ Yan can't stand the most is this kind of well-behaved and pitiful women, who can't always refuse any of their requests.

Xiao Mo was reluctant to talk a few days ago. When Situ Yan went to visit her today, she suddenly called out "Brother Yan", which really made Situ Yan feel ripples in his heart.

 Hehe, man.

When the doctor reported to Situ Yan again about Xiao Mo's recovery, he mentioned that Xiao Mo was ready to be discharged from the hospital. Only then did Situ Yan remember that he had forgotten about this.

It was he who caused Xiaomo to lose her memory and unable to find her family. He should take on the responsibility of taking care of Xiaomo temporarily.

“Xiao Mo, I haven’t found your family yet. Are you willing to go home with me?”

"..." Xiao Mo stared at him, seeming to be thinking seriously. After a while, under Situ Yan's expectant gaze, Xiao Mo nodded, "Okay, Xiao Mo is willing to go home with Brother Yan."

“That’s great.” Situ Yan didn’t know why his heart beat faster when he heard Xiao Mo agree.

Of course, what Situ Yan said about taking her home was not to take her back to the main house of the Situ family, but to a villa where Situ Yan himself lived.


 The other side.

Ye Xichen captured Li Cheng, but no news emerged from the interrogation for a whole week.

 Everyone underestimated Li Cheng’s willpower.

Lianye Weiwei was puzzled, "This man is really loyal to his accomplices. We have tried so many methods but failed to pry his mouth open."

 They used both soft and hard tactics, including devising clichés, to prevent Li Cheng from revealing the truth.

They had also sent out a message specifically hoping that Li Cheng's companions would take action, but this week passed and they still couldn't figure out the identity of the other person.

They also engaged in psychological warfare with Li Cheng, but Li Cheng was determined to defend that person and was completely speechless.

That man has been hiding in the dark.

“The thief may be hiding in a corner and watching.”

“That person is really making things difficult for me, so we won’t let up for a moment and will always force her out!”

That person is either "isolated" from the world and does not use any information that may reveal his identity, or he is extremely powerful, even more powerful than the Mohist and Ye Groups, so he can hide his identity.

  But according to the current situation analysis, it should belong to the former.

“I’ve been staying at Mo’s house for a while. I’m going back to City S tomorrow. You stay here and don’t go out.”


The two of them had just discussed their arrangements when new news came from Li Cheng, "Boss, Li Cheng committed suicide."

  If you can’t guess the identity of the bad woman anymore…



 (End of this chapter)

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