My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 773: The other side of personality hasn’t disappeared yet

Chapter 773 The other side of personality hasn’t disappeared yet

 Li Cheng committed suicide! This news shocked Ye Xichen and Ye Yiyi.

Li Cheng even wanted to die to escape. Fortunately, they rescued him in time and saved Li Cheng's life. However, Li Cheng destroyed his tongue and is now mute.

 “This man really would rather die than surrender!”

 Ye’s only good temper was about to be worn away.

She didn’t have to hide herself in front of Ye Xichen. She frowned and showed her emotions, “If you don’t want to say anything like this, what’s the use of keeping it!

 “Little bell?”

Her hands were tightly twisted, and her thumbs and index fingers were rubbing hard. She seemed not to have heard Ye Xichen's soft call, and her eyes became sharper, "If you want to die, let him do it!"

Sensing that her mood was wrong, Ye Xichen took her hand.

  Ye Weiwei seemed to be suddenly frightened, she didn't dare to raise her eyes to meet him, and lowered her head with a guilty conscience.

Ye Xichen didn’t deliberately say anything to her.

After calming down for a while, Ye Weiyi seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment just now. She regrouped her thoughts and analyzed methodically, "Brother, since Li Cheng is willing to defend that person, it means that that person is very important to him. We have checked him in the past two years. I haven’t found anyone close to him in my life, but I feel that the answer is always hidden in him.”

 “You mean, earlier?”

“Well, the information Secretary Zhao gave us has records. Li Cheng spent five years in prison and was only released two years ago. That place is also where Li Moer served his sentence.”

Just say it.

 She heard the laughter overflowing from Ye Xichen's mouth.

  This is not a mockery.

 She felt someone touching her hair, and she heard the person sigh with relief: "The little bell has really grown up."

  She is no longer the little girl who just cried when things happened. Fortunately, she still relies on herself wholeheartedly.

 This is something that makes Ye Xichen very happy.

  However, Ye Weiyi seems to have a hidden danger that cannot be mentioned.

Dr. Huo once said: "The other side of her is to protect herself. This kind of psychological problem can only be treated step by step, and it cannot be cured at once by external forces."

“With Miss Qiao’s suppressive nature, as long as we treat her well and make her feel safe, she may be able to recover over time.”

Caressing the face, Ye Xichen took a step back in shock as if he was stung in the heart when he saw her unpreparedly smiling brightly at him.

"elder brother?"

“It’s okay, leave this matter to me, don’t think too much, I just want you to be happy.”

 “Hmm, I believe in my brother!”

 Afterwards, Secretary Zhao was asked to investigate in this direction, and almost all the information about Li Cheng from his birth to the present was dug out.

Li Cheng did not have a good life or study well due to family reasons when he was young. He often got into trouble for committing crimes. Later, the gangsters harmed others and accidentally killed one person.

Li Cheng worked as a squatter for ten years. After he came out, he had no skills and could not keep up with social development. He could only do menial work on construction sites to earn some money to support himself.

Logically speaking, Li Cheng has worked tirelessly to make money in the past two years, which means he is trying hard to live. Why is he giving up his life now when he deliberately harms others?

Li Cheng has no father or mother, no worries, and will not be coerced by others, so everything is voluntary.

 Who was the person who made him willing to give his life?

 After unremitting efforts, they finally found out: "Li Mo'er, who was asked to check before, and Li Cheng do know each other!"

 (End of this chapter)

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