My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 777: separated

Chapter 777 Separation

 “It’s outside…”

 “What are the children looking at? Let’s go quickly.”

The only thing that Ye did not know was what the man and the woman were going to do, and he had no interest in knowing other people's affairs. After pulling the twins away, the twins showed a strong desire to watch.

 But this kind of thing is really embarrassing, and as innocent girls, they should not watch it.

 As for the truth…

Actually, when the two of them were doing something, An Ruan suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and sighed. The kiss was out of place, nothing more.

 I heard from the twins that in the past, An Ruan would stay at Mo's house for at most one day, but this time he stayed for three days.

 Ye only felt that An Ruan wanted to compete with her.

An Ruan is a woman who has already experienced human affairs. The style between a real woman and a girl is different.

An Ruan lived in the Mo family for three days, and naturally learned a lot about Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi, such as the fact that they were separated.

It’s not surprising that they are not married and living separately, but what An Ruan doesn’t understand is that Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei have had such a good relationship since childhood. How can a hot-blooded person endure it?

 An Ruan told Mo Feng his guess.

“I’ve been living here in the past two days and heard a lot about Ye Xichen and Qiao Lian. I heard that they were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. They have such a good relationship. How come they are an unmarried couple and they still live in separate rooms.”

"They have been living together, and they probably separated on purpose after returning to Mo's house." The man's thoughts were not as delicate as the woman's, and Mo Feng didn't think too much about it.

An Ruan shook his head, "I heard from Ruoyu and Ruoxue that they are not really together yet. Do you think there is something wrong with the body between the two of them?"

 An Ruan’s words were implicit, but made people have to think more.

"Feng, aren't you worried that your new cousin will share your rights? If grandma knows that he is ill..."

 It was up to Mo Feng to understand the second half of the sentence.

When Mo Feng heard this, he thought it made sense!

“Ruan Ruan, you are truly my wise man.” Mo Feng hugged An Ruan and kissed her on the face.

 An Ruan's smile has a special meaning.

On this day at the dinner table, everyone followed the etiquette of "eating without speaking" and ate quietly.

At this time, An Ruan suddenly covered his mouth with his left hand as if he was about to vomit.

 “Hug, sorry.”

An Ruan ignored the strange expressions on other people's faces and ran directly towards the bathroom.

 The kind-hearted twins asked in unison: "What's wrong with Sister Ruan Ruan?"

Except for the juniors, people like the twins present and Mrs. Mo were particularly sensitive to An Ruan's reaction just now. They almost guessed in the same direction - An Ruan was pregnant.

 At this time, Mo Feng chased after him.

 The mother of the twins hinted her daughters to shut up.

At this time, the dining table was quiet again, but many people had no intention of eating.

After a while, Mo Feng and An Ruan came back and received everyone's scrutiny.

 Old Mrs. Mo is old and is most qualified to ask: "An Ruan, are you pregnant?"

An Ruan's face was slightly red, and he subconsciously touched his belly, "I don't know about this either."

Mo Feng suddenly reacted when he heard Mrs. Mo's question and looked at An Ruan in surprise, as if she was really pregnant.

 “Ruan Ruan, are you pregnant?”

 An Ruan is shy on the outside but embarrassed on the inside.

 Because she is not sure about her physical condition, it would be great if she is pregnant, but if she is not, she will be laughed at!

 At this time, Mrs. Mo spoke, "Go and invite Dr. Jiang over."

 Dr. Jiang is the family doctor of the Mo family.

 (End of this chapter)

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