My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 778: two months pregnant

Chapter 778 Two months pregnant

Dr. Jiang brought a pregnancy test paper, but maybe she was nervous and couldn't hold in her urine for a while.

 Everyone was waiting for Dr. Jiang to take their pulse again, because he is a doctor involved in both Chinese and Western medicine.

 “How is her body?”

 “Smooth communication should refer to smoothness, like beads running on a disk, which is a slippery vein.”

 “Hua Mai…”

 Doctor Jiang is very particular about what he said. Although they don’t understand medicine, they have heard some lines in TV dramas. A slippery pulse is not a happy pulse.

Then An Ruan is indeed pregnant!

Dr. Jiang diagnosed and diagnosed the pulse. After a while, An Ruan’s pregnancy test paper also showed two red lines. She was indeed pregnant!

 “Ancestors bless me, my Mo family is about to have a baby again!”

Mrs. Mo has paid special attention to her children since she got older. Now that she knew An Ruan was pregnant, her attitude towards her changed completely.

Of course, that's not all. They also deliberately asked Mo Feng to take An Ruan to the hospital for a check-up to see how the fetus was growing.

 It turns out that An Ruan is already two months pregnant.

 The doctor warned them, "The fetal position is unstable in the first two months of pregnancy, and couples should avoid having sex."

 An Ruan was shy and relieved when he heard the doctor's advice.

"No wonder you suddenly said you had a stomachache that day. I was so stupid and almost hurt our child." Mo Feng experienced the feeling of becoming a father for the first time, and he was extremely happy at this moment.

An Ruan smiled and snuggled into his arms, calming him down with a soft tone, "I don't blame you, our baby is strong, isn't that a good thing?"

 “Ruan Ruan, you are really my lucky star!”

One moment, Guess had clearly hinted in front of Old Mrs. Mo that Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei were suffering from a hidden illness. The next second, news of their pregnancy broke out. Comparing the two, Old Mrs. Mo's thoughts almost all shifted to this " Enter the two-month-old great-grandson.

Now even Mo Ruoshuang, who had not wanted to see her before, didn't give her a cold look, and An Ruan didn't have to leave the Mo family anymore. She was extremely happy.

 The most important thing is that Mrs. Mo handed her and Mo Feng over to talk about their marriage.

"Since you two have a child, you should hurry up and get the certificate. I don't want my great-grandson to be born with an unfair name."

What Mrs. Mo said made sense, mainly because every word and every word touched An Ruan's inner expectations.

Mo Fenggan was so happy that he lost his usual sense of reason, thinking only about the best for An Ruan, "I will let someone arrange the wedding right now, and I will give Ruan Ruan a grand and gorgeous wedding!"

 When An Ruan heard Mo Feng's words, his eyes instantly lit up, full of expectation.

Just when she was preparing to feel deeply grateful to Mo Feng, Old Mrs. Mo's words were like a heavy stone hitting An Ruan's heart.

 “No! You can’t give her a wedding.”

"Grandma, what do you mean?" The corners of An Ruan's mouth trembled, and she could hardly hold on to the smile that appeared on her face just now.

 Old Mrs. Mo calmly drank a cup of tea and said: "Feng'er has never revealed that he has a girlfriend protecting his fiancée before.

If you are planning a grand wedding, it will definitely attract the attention of many people. They will dig up your life experience and may even find out that you are two months pregnant. When the time comes, people will take advantage of the situation to plot out the affairs between the two of you. Pregnancy before marriage? Mother is more valuable than son? Marry with a son? When you say these names, which one sounds good? "

“Grandma, what do you mean?”

“Go and get the certificate quietly and don’t publicize it to the outside world. After the child is born, you can say that you have a hidden marriage.”

 (End of this chapter)

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