My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 800: Lovers get married

Chapter 800 Lovers finally get married

  Xiao Mo woke up from bed and went downstairs to get some water, but saw Ye Weiwei appearing in the hall and smiling at her, "Long time no see, Li Mo'er."


Li Moer woke up from her sleep with a cry, her forehead covered with sweat.

She randomly pulled out the tissue next to her to wipe her sweat, and realized that she had just had a nightmare.

"how can that be possible!"

 “I must be thinking too much.”

Li Mo'er kept giving herself psychological comfort and convincing herself not to think wildly.

She felt that she must have missed the opportunity to make a move yesterday, which is why she dreamed that Ye Weiwei appeared at Situ Yan's villa and revealed that her identity was not Xiao Mo who had lost her memory, but Li Mo'er, who had been imprisoned for killing people a few years ago. .

 When she got up now, her mouth felt dry.

Li Mo'er wanted to go downstairs to find some water, but she remembered that the scene she said was inexplicably the same as the nightmare she had just had.

Li Moer retracted her feet, sat on the edge of the bed with her eyes empty for a while, then put on her shoes and went downstairs.

 Situ Yan has just returned from a business trip and should rest at home today to adjust to the jet lag.

She went downstairs to look for Situ Yan as usual, but she didn't expect... to see Ye Weiwei sitting on the sofa and smiling at her.

Li Mo'er's feet met Ye Weiwei's eyes while her feet were still on the stairwell. At that moment, Li Mo'er wished that she was dreaming now!

 She had just woken up, without any makeup to hide her appearance, and her complete appearance was exposed to Ye Youwei.

  Unless Ye Zi is blind, he would not be able to recognize her identity.

Li Moer's mouth was dry, and her hands tightly grasped the railing next to the stairs, rubbing it until her palms turned red.

 When she was most nervous, she heard Ye Weiyi ask: "Hey, who is this?"

Situ Yan also turned around and waved to Xiao Mo, "Xiao Mo, come down quickly."

Li Mo'er didn't dare to move.

Situ Yan shouted twice, remembering Li Mo'er's rejection of Qiao Lian, so Situ Yan walked up the stairs in person, took Li Mo'er's hand, and quietly said to Li Mo'er: "She and I really have nothing to do, she is here today You came to me to discuss cooperation.”

Yes, Ye Weiwei arranged it today in the name of the Ye Group wanting to discuss cooperation with Situ Yan.

Ye Yiwei was slightly surprised when he saw Li Mo'er as he wished, but also felt a sense of understanding.

I had guessed it was Li Moer before, but this person erased his identity information and changed his identity.

Situ Yan introduced his identity to Ye Weiwei, "This is my girlfriend, her name is Xiaomo."

 Ye Youwei greeted her calmly and had a good attitude.

Xiao Mo was simply perfunctory, but still not as calm and calm as Ye Wei. Without saying a few words, he used drinking water as an excuse to escape.

Ye Wei only mentioned "Xiao Mo" intentionally or unintentionally, and it took a long time to extract the key words from Situ Yan's mouth.

“There is such an interesting story between Mr. Yan and his girlfriend. It is indeed fate, but it is very worrying for people who have lost their memory and cannot find their family members.”

“I’m also trying to help her find it, but there are really no clues.”

Ye Weiwei nodded, thinking: In order to harm her, Li Moer would rather go through hardships and hide his identity. How could you let you find out so easily.

But looking at Situ Yan's expression now, it seems that he values ​​Li Mo'er a little.

“I most want to see lovers get married eventually. Mr. Yan feels so sorry for having a girlfriend, why don’t I help you too and try to find her for you.”

 “That’s really a thank you.”

"You're welcome."

 Ye’s only smile hides all her calculations.

No thanks, she will be able to send Li Moer's information to Situ Yan soon.

 (End of this chapter)

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