My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 801: The charming vixen

Chapter 801 The vixen who conquered the country

When a letter regarding Li Moer's identity information arrived at Situ Yan's villa, only Li Moer saw it. She immediately opened it and looked through it, her face turned pale with fright.

Li Moer quickly took the letter away. She was now convinced that Ye Weiwei had recognized her identity.

Li Moer took the information back to the villa and destroyed it directly.

 But then she became restless.

 She didn't know what Ye Weiwei meant, and she didn't know whether her identity would be exposed to Situ Yan.

 Situ Yan is her only support now, she must not lose him!

 But she seems to be unable to do anything now.

Ye Yiwei is the kind of person who always takes revenge. Even if she knelt down and begged, Ye Youyi would not let her go.

 Li Mo'er knew this a long time ago!

 Because she always felt that she and Ye Youwei were similar in a certain place, so she wanted to replace Ye Youwei's identity and prove her independent existence.

 But because Ye Xichen was with Ye Yiwei, she suffered a series of defeats and was eventually sent to prison.

The irreconcilable hatred blinded Li Moer's eyes. She was thinking about revenge and protecting her own life.

"How to do how to do…"

Last time there was Li Cheng as the scapegoat, now she can only rely on Situ Yan.

But Li Mo'er wasn't sure how much weight she had in Situ Yan's heart. After all, she used routines to set up Situ Yan. Including the night she was with Situ Yan, she deliberately cut her fingers and used blood to cover up that she wasn't. First time fact.

Her first time was long gone in prison.

Thinking of the suffering he had suffered, Li Moer's hatred for Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen deepened.

 She was waiting anxiously for Situ Yan to come home.

Unexpectedly, the person she was waiting for was not Situ Yan, but Situ Yan's mother.

Situ Yan’s mother was even more arrogant than Situ Xiao. After coming in, she didn’t even use taunts, she just told Li Moer to pack up her things and get out.

Li Moer cried and pretended to be weak, which annoyed Mrs. Situ even more.

“I thought you were such a charming vixen, but you turned out to be a malnourished ordinary girl. I really don’t know what your ability is to seduce my son not to come home.”

When Mrs. Situ pointed at her nose and scolded her, Li Moer finally knew the reason.

 Situ Yan used to go home often, but since he got together with her, he would come to the villa to do harmonious exercises with her almost every night.

Li Moer has no concept of family in her heart. She only thinks that using her body to keep Situ Yan is a means, but she does not expect that Mrs. Situ will come to settle accounts with her.

Li Moer hid in fear, and Mrs. Situ directly ordered the people behind her to throw Li Moer's things out.

Li Moer wanted to call Situ Yan quietly, but hung up when the number was dialed.

After the things were thrown out, Li Moer also "obeyed" Mrs. Situ's wishes and left the villa.

When Situ Yan came back, he saw his mother sitting there haughtily and losing her temper, as if she had made a special trip to wait for him to come back.

Besides, Li Mo'er didn't really go far after coming out of the villa, but quietly hid nearby, waiting for Situ Yan to send Mrs. Situ away before she went back. At that time, Situ Yan would definitely feel more sorry for her.

Li Moer made a good calculation and squatted outside the villa.


 Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder.

Li Moer turned around reflexively and was punched and knocked unconscious.

  Please accept the revenge from the yandere!



 (End of this chapter)

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