My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 825: An Ran's true destiny

 Chapter 825 An Ran’s true destiny

 “Qiao Li, are you going to go against the wall?”

“Brother, you are really good at joking.” She curled her lips and said, “I want to introduce someone to An Ran!”

“Oh, when did my wife change her career to be a matchmaker?”

"Oh, brother, please stop teasing me. I'm serious. An Ran told me that her blind date is not reliable at all. If my friend is not happy, I am not happy either."

Ye Weiwei pulled Ye Xichen's arm and acted coquettishly with him. Ye Xichen would definitely not be able to bear it.

 An immediate and affirmative answer: "Yes."

Ye Weiwei asked excitedly: "Really? Do you have photos and contact information?"

Ye Xichen: "I'll give it to her, so don't even think about it."

 Ye Yiwei slapped him on the shoulder, "Stingy!" She won't do bad things!

But the contact list did not fall into Ye Weiwei's hands, and she didn't know who Ye Xichen introduced to Yu Anran.

  After Ye Weiwei got married, he also officially became a member of the music company.

  She has a gifted singing voice, she just loves singing and wants to pass on the most magical language in the world to everyone.

 She reopened a Weibo account and put some of her previously recorded songs on it.

 Because the company was paving the way for her publicity, Ye Weiwei soon received a new assignment.

The company asked her to write lyrics, compose music, and then sing it.

If this thing goes well, her music career will officially begin.

 Ye Weiwei was very energetic and focused on writing lyrics.

 There is no set theme, just letting her express her own abilities freely.

 The company obviously wanted to take this opportunity to see her abilities clearly, so Ye Weiwei naturally did not dare to neglect her.

From that time on, she locked herself in her room every day, writing lyrics and composing music, instantly turning herself into a well-educated scholar.

 At this moment, I have even forgotten about cooking.

When Ye Xichen came back, he saw Ye Weiwei lying on the table in the living room, but the table was all covered with white A4 paper.

 The trash can is still clean. It can be seen that although Ye Weiwei lacks inspiration now, her mentality is correct and she is not irritable.

The only thing that woke her up at night was the smell of food. Her stomach growled with hunger. She saw the table full of papers in front of her and then remembered that she had been so selfless in writing lyrics during the day! I don’t even know when I fell asleep.

  Run to the table and see several plates of sumptuous dishes, Ye Weiyi rubbed his hands excitedly, "Wow, the gods cook the food."

 The cooking done by the gods is very high.

 “Eat quickly when you are hungry.”

"Hey!" Ye Weiyi realized that the dishes and chopsticks were all placed on the table. She just picked up the chopsticks and started using them.

 “Brother, I’m not polite!”

 She was so hungry that she couldn't bear it.

However, when using the chopsticks, Ye Weiwei did not forget to praise, "Brother is awesome!"

 She never hesitates to express praise, because praise is a very interesting communication for people.

Ye Xichen suddenly mentioned, "How about I take you on a trip?"

 Ye Weiwei nodded in agreement without thinking too much, "Okay!"

When I agreed, I remembered that I now had a heavy responsibility.

 “No, I’m on a mission now.”

“I know you want to write lyrics and compose music, but traveling does not affect it. On the contrary, it can easily help you get more inspiration.”

 What Ye Xichen said makes sense!

 Her job requires submission of manuscripts, and it’s not like she clocks in from nine to five every day.

 So Ye Yiwei decisively agreed!

 Ye Xichen also has selfish motives.

Now you finally have no time to worry about Yu Anran.

 (End of this chapter)

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