My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 826: Don’t be a princess, be a queen!

Chapter 826 Don’t be a princess, be a queen!

Yu Anran is different from other girls. She has not been a princess since she was a child, and she can only be a queen when she grows up!

 She lost her dream because of her arm, and chose a major she liked, but could not pursue that career.

No matter how much she does, she can only return to the Yu family and contribute everything to the prosperity of the Yu family.

  Including, herself.

The Yu Group has reached this stage because of Mrs. Yu's hard work for twenty years. Now Mrs. Yu's health is getting worse day by day and she is unable to do things well.

As the heir to the Yu family, Yu Anran can only shoulder important responsibilities at a young age.

However, at this time, the Yu Group had a financial loophole.

Yu Anran is also considered smart, but she is still young and cannot compete with the cunning older generation in the mall.

 After Mrs. Yu fell ill, Yu Anran needed to face external crises, as well as internal shareholders.

Those people are like wolves guarding the big lion. As long as the lion takes a nap, those wolves may take the opportunity to take away the little lion protected by the lion, and strangle her ability before she can grow.

 But Yu Anran would not let them do what they wanted.

The last blind date with Mr. Qin was a rare holiday. In addition, Yu Anran was in a state of mental stress almost every day to prevent internal and external troubles.

  She was very tired, both mentally and physically. Very tired.

 And she never dared to think about “giving up” because she had no other choice but to keep moving forward!

 However, God did not fulfill people's wishes.

With someone deliberately pushing the situation, the Yu family is facing the crisis of bankruptcy.

They need a lot of money, but no one around them dares to help.

Yu Anran thought of what Ye Weiwei had said before, but Mrs. Yu stopped her.

"The Yu family is like this now. Even if you borrow money to save it for a while, it will still fall apart."

"The only way is to find a long-term backer for the Yu family to rely on and survive."

These are the words Mrs. Yu taught Mrs. Yu on the hospital bed.

Mrs. Yu was ill and needed surgery, but she was always thinking about the Yu family.

Yu Anran had always been calm while listening to her mother speak, but when her mother was pushed into the operating room, her eyes turned red.

 After so many years, she knows very well what her mother is thinking.

 It’s not that her mother doesn’t love her, she just adopts an alternative method.

 She could not agree with everything her mother did, but she seemed to understand it.

 But no matter what, her mother is the one who gave her life and glory. As the daughter of the Yu family, she has the responsibility to protect her mother and the Yu family that her mother cares about.

Yu Anran received a call from his secretary while waiting for the operation, saying that a company was willing to acquire the Yu family.

Yu Anran is unwilling.

 If she sells the Yu family, it will no longer be the Yu family that her mother wants to protect.

However, there were many people who had ideas for the Yu family. Yu Anran received two or three calls in a row and refused them all.

 When the last call came, she no longer wanted to answer it, but somehow she still gave in.

 She wants to find a chance, even if the hope is slim.

Yu Anran answered the phone and listened to a few words. She was a little stunned at first, but later she couldn’t believe it.

At this time, someone is actually willing to help the Yu family tide over the difficulties?

The man said: "If possible, I would like us to meet and talk."



Yu Anran asked for a change of time, but the other person was determined not to let him.

“Either now or nothing, Miss Yu, opportunity waits for no one.”

 (End of this chapter)

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