My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 827: Who is the boss of Anning Group?

Chapter 827 Who is the boss of Anning Group?

The other party is very tough, which shows that the other party has capital.

 “Miss, you’d better go first.” Yu Anran and Mrs. Yu’s people were waiting here, and she hesitated.

"What Madam hopes most is to save the Yu family. If she wakes up and finds out that something happened to the Yu family, she will definitely be hit. But if she knows that the Yu family is saved, the madam will be very happy."

 The assistant is right.

Yu Anran figured it out, went to the toilet to tidy up, and then drove to the place mentioned by the other party.

Yu Anran is not an idiot, she also has a secretary.

I made an appointment with my secretary on the way there, and they both arrived almost at the same time.

It is a coincidence that the agreed place is the Blue Mountain Restaurant.

Remembering the bad blind date at the Blue Mountain Restaurant, Yu Anran took a deep breath and warned herself not to be affected.

She has a lot of things hidden in her heart, but she can still suppress them.

 After sorting out my emotions, I walked up to the second floor of the Blue Mountain Restaurant, which is a small independent private room.

After Yu Anran went in, he saw a man with a briefcase in his hand. He looked elegant, wore a pair of glasses, and looked full of wisdom.

 But such a person is not a boss at first glance.

 The person took the lead in introducing himself, "Hello, Miss Yu, I am Chu Sui, the chief secretary-general of the president of Anning Group."

Chief Secretary-General is quite an official position.

Yu Anran nodded. Although she was asking for help, she also had the aura of the Yu family.

 “Where is your boss?”

"Miss Yu, please wait a moment. Our boss has something unexpected going on, which may cause some delays."


 Some time, for Yu Anran, she can afford to wait.

 However, after waiting for more than half an hour after the agreed time, the boss of the other party was not seen.

Yu Anran asked again.

That polite man contacted the boss in front of her, acted very sincerely, and explained that there was something important that was delaying her time, and she needed to wait patiently for a while.

After all, I am asking for help from others, Yu Anran is waiting!

Unexpectedly, she waited and waited for the news that Mrs. Yu’s operation was successful.

Yu Anran smiled knowingly.

That smile was very shallow and fleeting, perhaps even she didn't notice it.

Chu Sui stared at Yu Anran a few more times.

The sensitive Yu Anran raised his eyes and looked directly at the past with cold eyes.

Chu Sui lowered his eyes with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at Yu Anran.

Chu Sui felt very sad: This Miss Yu's aura was too strong. Seeing her cold eyes was just like seeing her boss when he was angry. It was scary!

Chu Sui was confused in his mind.

About an hour later, Yu Anran stood up and said, "Since your company is not sincere, there is no need to waste time here!"

Yu Anran was not impatient to show off her temper, but she knew very well how could some cooperators be so late without even a proper explanation?

 In all likelihood, the other party is trying to fool her.

Then there is no need for her to stay here and waste time.

As soon as Chu Sui heard that Yu Anran was leaving, he ran to the door and stopped him with a serious expression on his face, "Miss Yu, please wait a moment, my boss will be here soon.

 Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

 Sure enough, there was a knock on the door.

Chu Sui happily opened the door. Before he could put his head out, someone pushed him back. The door pushed him against the wall.

 Chu Sui had a complicated heart.

His boss’s aura when he appears is too strong!

Chu Sui wanted to squeeze out from the side, but he didn't want to. Yu Anran took a step back when he saw the person coming.

What is the significance of Anning Group?



 (End of this chapter)

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