My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 829: Humiliate your ex-girlfriend?

Chapter 829 Humiliate your ex-girlfriend?

When Yu Anran heard those words, his face, which was not very good at first, instantly turned dark.

 “Beiye, we are talking about business.”

"Why is it not a business matter? You want money and I want people. It's a fair deal, isn't it?"

"If you have this idea, I think there is no need for us to continue talking."

 What mistress? How could Kitano say such a thing!

How did Chi LoLo’s insult make her feel so embarrassed?

Yu Anran never jokes and cannot afford to joke.

What’s more, that person is Kitano.

Yu Anran was angry and wanted to leave, but Beiye stood at the door ahead of her, leaning there with his hands folded. Yu Anran saw in him the look of the young boy leaning against the tree, holding a leaf in his mouth, waiting for her.

Yu Anran looked up and realized that even in high heels, he was more than a head shorter than Kitano.

 It turns out that he grew taller again after he left.

He is now completely different from usual in both his dress and demeanor. Yu Anran has to admit: It turns out that he is not the young man in his memory...

 She once used the word "idle" to describe him.


 What will she say now?

 “Beiye, what do you mean?”

Beiye knocked his head, "I remember Miss Yu studied law, right? Can't you understand such a simple sentence?"

“…” A debater who can defeat everyone in a debate is recognized as an eloquent speaker, but at this moment he just wants to remain silent.

Facing a scoundrel like Beiye, Yu Anran knew early on that if you were more stupid than him, he would be even more stupid than you!

 “I said, Yu Anran, please be my mistress.”

Kitano's calm tone made Yu Anran think of many young people, that high-spirited and proud young man who worked hard to win the competition and said to her: "Little beauty, I won the competition, now you can be my wife, right?" "

At that time, even though I was young, I was sincere.

Now, the word "mistress" brought Yu Anran's slightly fluctuating heart to the bottom.

 How to describe your mood at that moment?

It's like your heart is being squeezed hard, and when you feel the pain, it becomes hollow, painful, and empty.

"Even if you break up with your ex-girlfriend, you won't be so humiliated."

“Tsk, how can this be a humiliation? Don’t you, the Yu family, just want money?”

He never leaves money, probably because Mrs. Yu once used money to shatter all his dignity.

Yu Anran knew that Beiye must be upset because of the reason for the breakup.

 But what was she going to say?

 It can’t be said that it was my mother who looked down on you and threatened me to break up with you. I broke up with you to protect you and for your own good.

 But Yu Anran knew that what he wanted was never the words "for your own good".

Perhaps she didn't have enough courage to face it at the beginning, which led to the tragedy of her breakup with Kitano.

"Since it is in the past, there is no need to hold it in your heart. Mr. Bei, if you are willing to help our Yu family, I will be happy to cooperate with you. But if..."

"But if all you did today was just to humiliate me, I think you did it for nothing. Such a game is too childish and I can't afford it."

Although Yu Anran is shorter than him, his aura is not half inferior to his.

The pride that belongs exclusively to Miss Yu's family is most vividly reflected in Yu Anran.


Bei Ye reached out and lifted a strand of her long hair, "When the time comes, you will definitely beg me to accept you as my mistress."

 (End of this chapter)

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