My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 830: An Ran was exhausted and fainted.

Chapter 830 An Ran was exhausted and fainted

Yu Anran knocked his hand away and placed her feet next to his ears, as if kissing him.

 At such a close distance, Kitano gently scented her body with a light fragrance, a very charming smell.

 But in fact, Yu Anran just whispered something in his ear.

Then, Yu Anran opened the door, raised her chest and raised her head and walked out of the room.

Ch Sui stood at the door and saw his boss standing there in a daze.





"What should we do next?" The chief secretary should have figured out the boss's thoughts and had a certain understanding of the boss's arrangements, but this matter was different.

Chu Sui understood that since the boss returned to City S, he had not acted according to common sense.

 Seeing that he was not even allowed to follow the contract negotiations now, Chu Sui felt miserable!

So Chu Sui didn't dare to act rashly. He had to listen to the boss's instructions clearly before taking action.

Beiye waved to him.

Chu Sui leaned over, thinking he could hear some good plan.

 “Pah—” Beiye slapped him directly.

 In fact, it wasn’t a slap in the face, it was just a gentle slap on his face. “Don’t look at anything you shouldn’t look at in the future.”

"What?" Chu Sui didn't understand. Chu Sui felt that his boss's behavior was becoming increasingly unpredictable.

“Boss, you haven’t told me what to do next...”

"Have you forgotten what I said yesterday? Suppress the Yu family until she can't bear it!" When the Yu family was mentioned, Kitano's eyes suddenly turned fierce.

Chu Sui looked at him with a very complicated look, like hatred but not hatred. In short, it was a very meaningful expression, but he couldn't understand it.

Chu Sui couldn't figure it out, shook his head, and continued to do things according to Beiye's instructions.

 After Yu Anran rejected Kitano, he found that the company’s burden had increased again.

People who originally discussed cooperation with the Yu family have withdrawn their investment. Even some old friends who persisted for a while began to drift away.

Yu Anran didn't know why things turned out like this. She worked hard during the day and worked overtime at night. The secretary who was paid to do things felt distressed.

Seeing Yu Anran dozing off at the computer desk, the secretary kindly reminded, "Mr. Yu, you'd better take a rest."

As a result, her words made Yu Anran sober up. Yu Anran insisted on doing things and stayed up all night.

She felt her head was dizzy, and Yu Anran finally fell ill one morning.

 When Yu Anran woke up, she was surrounded by the smell of disinfectant.

She opened her eyes in confusion, feeling that her head was a little fried and confused, and she couldn't think of anything.

The nurse who stayed with the bed saw her waking up, asked a few questions attentively, and then asked the doctor to come over and take a look.

Yu Anran cooperated with their treatment in a daze, only to realize that she had fainted due to overwork and exhaustion.

Yu Anran wanted to get out of bed when she woke up, but the nurse didn't allow her.

Yu Anran had no choice but to ask herself when she could be discharged from the hospital, and got a negative answer.

Ke Yu Anran only thinks about the company, so where can she sit in the hospital now?

“Don’t worry, miss, my wife has returned to the company.”

 “Mother has returned to the company?”

“My mother just had surgery last night, so how can she go back to the company and work hard?”

The housekeeper who came to the hospital to take care of her shook her head and felt that the mother and daughter of the Yu family were living too hard!

 Others only see their glory in public, but who knows that being called “strong women” was earned with their own lives.

“Miss, if not, please listen to my wife once and find someone with a family background who is of marriageable age... Let’s get married.”

 (End of this chapter)

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