My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 831: An Ran agreed to get married

Chapter 831 An Ran agrees to get married

“Miss, if not, please listen to my wife once and find someone with a family background who is of marriageable age... Let’s get married.”

Yu Anran was silent for a long time and responded in a low voice: "Okay."

 Getting Yu Anran’s accurate answer made the housekeeper feel happy and sad at the same time.

 Happily, his young lady has finally figured it out. As long as the marriage is helpful, the madam and the young lady, mother and daughter, will no longer have to worry so much.

 The sad thing is the marriage... Marrying someone you don't love is a painful thing.

 But for the Yu family, and for the emotionally weak Yu Anran, marriage is probably the best way at the moment.

Yu Anran relaxed, and the housekeeper immediately conveyed this not-so-good news to Mrs. Yu.

Mrs. Yu was indeed very happy.

 Because Mrs. Yu lost trust in love and love after she was betrayed by Yu Anran's biological father. She always felt that it was most important for her daughter to marry a rich and powerful man and obtain life security.

 So when Yu Anran really relaxed, Mrs. Yu sent the general information of the person she had chosen before to Yu Anran.

Yu Anran didn’t look.

"Let mother choose. I will try whichever she thinks is best for the Yu family."

Of course, marriage is a matter between both parties. After Yu Anran picks it out, she will have to discuss it with the other party. If the other party is also satisfied with the marriage, then the marriage will be successful.

 The butler had a smile on his face and seemed not worried at all.

“Miss, as long as you don’t deliberately embarrass yourself with sophisticated makeup like before, I believe any man will be tempted when he sees you!”

 The housekeeper took Yu Anran's appearance very naturally.

 In fact it is.

It's like Yu Anran doesn't wear makeup now because she is hospitalized, and her plain appearance is less cool and more gentle.

Yu Anran has an innately cool and graceful temperament. If someone happened to discover her beauty, they would really fall in love with her and be unable to extricate themselves.




  The housekeeper called her twice in succession, and Yu Anran seemed to have come back to her senses.

She replied to the steward, "I heard what you just said."

 The housekeeper is very pleased. It seems that the eldest daughter of their Yu family has finally grown up!

 Sure enough, growth requires experiencing hardships.

Mrs. Yu chose a young master named "Deng" for Yu Anran according to her own vision.

After Yu Anran was discharged from the hospital and rested for a day, Yu Anran took the initiative to meet the young master.

  It was not that she was anxious to get married, but that she lived in the Yu family after being discharged from the hospital and saw her mother working hard in the middle of the night and coughing.

 As a daughter, she should repay the favor.

Time waits for no one. If we delay for one more day, the Yu Group's crisis will worsen.

 If only marriage can solve this problem, she will marry!

 In short, it’s impossible to fall in love with anyone else in this life, so it doesn’t matter who you’re with.

 The Yu family and the Deng family discussed with each other and agreed on a time to meet.

This matter happened to reach Beiye's ears again.

Kitano broke the cup on the spot and sent a big temper. "It's really a long -term skill! Let the woman named Deng go home, I haven't played enough women, who dare to grab!"

 Chu Sui then realized that his boss was angry because he couldn't get a beauty.


Today, Yu Anran finally put aside her mature professional attire.

Mrs. Yu prepared a blue dress for her, with a slim waist and a long skirt that wrapped her slender figure like a living mermaid.

Fried Mao Vinegar Wang Beiye: Grandpa's daughter -in -law will be snatched away, you quickly smash the author with a recommendation ticket!

   A pram in the next chapter?



 (End of this chapter)

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