My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 832: Her real beauty is stunning

 Chapter 832 Her true appearance is stunning

Yu Anran had not put on makeup at this time, but except for her pale face, she was really impeccable.

“Miss, are you doing the makeup yourself or should we help you do it today?”

The Yu family originally had a makeup artist, but Yu Anran always refused. As for this time...

 “You guys do it.”

 Since you have agreed, you must do it well.

 Strive to take down Master Deng at once, so that the Yu family can be saved, and in this way, she will complete her mission as the daughter of the Yu family.

Yu Anran closed her eyes and let the makeup designer work on her face and hair. She waited until she needed to open her eyes to cooperate. She was not very interested in her own makeup.

 Only when it was completed at the last moment did Yu Anran really open his eyes to see.

I have always heard others say that my appearance is beautiful. After being carefully decorated, all the advantages of my facial features are revealed.


 Onlookers thought it was very perfect. Seeing her carefully dressed up, it was like a visual feast.

That feast is enough for her alone!

It’s just Yu Anran’s slightly pursed thin lips that revealed her discomfort.

Or maybe, not so willingly.

9.88 out of 10 women in the world love beauty, but only 5% of people in the world want women to be beautiful.

Yu Anran is the latter.

By the time she finished dressing up, the Yu family's car was already waiting outside.

Yu Anran got into the car calmly, but she was still in a daze when she arrived at the Blue Mountain Restaurant.

 Why is it this ghost place again...

 Is this Blue Mountain restaurant so famous now? She comes here to see everyone.

And Yu Anran always felt that every time he appeared here, he would be affected and couldn't help but think of that man.

 This is a very bad experience.

 “Are you sure this is here?”

“Of course, miss, this is what the madam personally ordered.”

"Okay." Yu Anran didn't care about this matter at first, but now that she has reached the door, what else can she do?

 Leave it as it is.

The taste of this Blue Mountain restaurant is very elegant, and the number of guests coming and going is not endless, but the business here is also steady.

Yu Anran's appearance lasted only a moment, but it still caused some small sensation.

 After all, who doesn’t love beauty?

 When one person talks about it, the second person will be curious, the third person will also want to see it, and the fourth person... In short, they are just asking for a second look.

 Fortunately, we had an appointment in a private room today. Yu Anran's figure hurried past the hall and disappeared quickly.

Adhering to the principle of making appointments half an hour in advance, Yu Anran waited calmly in the private room.

 Ten minutes have passed, twenty minutes have passed.

The housekeeper who came with her was a little anxious, "Why hasn't Master Deng come yet?"

 “It’s not time yet.”

Yu Anran's calm words calmed the housekeeper's depression, so he waited calmly for another ten minutes.

That young master of the Deng family still hasn’t come.

This time the housekeeper called to urge him, but was told that the young master of the Deng family was taken away by his friends on the way to the blind date. He could not persuade him to come back now. Even if he wanted to go on a blind date, the time would have to be moved back.

The housekeeper was so angry that he almost threw his phone and his face was extremely ugly.

Yu Anran's expression remained unchanged.

The housekeeper was a little reluctant, but he could not change the facts, "Miss, if not, we will go back to Yu's house now."

 The proposal was rejected.

Yu Anran said calmly: "Just make another appointment, as long as it can help the Yu family."

Mr. Bei is so angry!



 (End of this chapter)

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