My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 836: Give me my body

Chapter 836 I give you my body

Yu Anran’s words aroused Beiye’s interest.

 “You mean you are willing to let me play with your body.”

Bei Ye’s straightforward words made Yu Anran blush until she bled.

 It’s not the shyness, but the shameful feeling that I have sent someone to humiliate me.

Yu Anran could hardly face herself like this.

"Isn't it true? Don't you mean to dedicate your body to me as a deal?" Kitano seemed unaware of her inner feelings.

 Or maybe Kitano was humiliating her on purpose.

Yu Anran has never found a sentence so difficult for her to say, but now is the most critical time.

Bei Ye insisted on forcing her to answer it herself.

“Why didn’t Miss Yu herself say just now that she wanted me to get you?”

  “That’s what I said.”

"so what?"

 “Change a place.”


Bei Ye answered readily, and the two of them went out side by side, as close as a couple.

Yu Anran was in front of the car window and saw the scene of two people standing together reflected in the car window, and her heart palpitated.

  It wasn't like this before... When she and Kitano were together, Kitano would definitely have physical contact with her every time she went out, either holding hands or hugging her waist or shoulders.

She was not used to it at first, but Kitano said confidently: "My little beauty Ranran is so beautiful, I have to keep a close eye on you!"

 It used to be so beautiful.


 “Go in.”

 Kitano pushed her into the back seat.

Yu Anran sniffed to calm down, as if nothing had happened.

 She didn’t know where Kitano planned to take her, so she just sat there with peace of mind.

The destination was a landscape villa. Only now did Yu Anran realize that Kitano was also such a sentimental man.

 Two adult men and women of different genders are alone in a room, what else can they do?

Yu Anran forgot how it started. Anyway, by the time she reacted, her clothes had been torn to pieces.

 Yes, Beiye is so wild!

Yu Anran's body has never been touched by anyone, and she doesn't like to be in contact with others, so when she feels the hot body close to her and the masculine scent lingering on the tip of her nose, her whole body becomes very sensitive.

  It is very, very sensitive.

 She looks like she can't bear it if she touches it.

 But he was holding it back forcibly and humiliating himself.

Bei Ye was flirting with her, but he didn't kiss her.

Bei Ye was never willing to hurt her. Looking at such a ruthless and aggressive man, he was very cautious even when he kissed her.

 Now he doesn't care about her feelings, as if he is venting.

Before feeling his sanity collapse, Yu Anran grabbed his arm tightly and said, "As long as we are clear after today."

She means that Beiye's hatred towards the Yu family started because of her, so she would compensate him for her innocence and hate both sides from then on.

“Hmm, do you think you are so valuable?”

Beiye’s words were hard to hear. Yu Anran closed his eyes, pretending that he was deaf and couldn’t hear.

 She felt Bei Ye's strength increasing, and a tear fell silently from the corner of her eyes.

She couldn't see Kitano's expression with her eyes closed, and she didn't know that those tears seemed to fall on Kitano's heart.

 The most important concern was that Beiye suddenly pushed her away and looked at her calmly.

 Kitano seemed to be laughing at himself, "I always feel like I am forcing a good family woman."

 She asked: "Why don't you continue."

  "What's the point of a woman who doesn't cooperate with me? It's not as refreshing as someone from outside."

Bei Ye called Chu Sui in front of Yu Anran and asked Chu Sui to bring a woman to his home immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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