My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 837: He has many women

Chapter 837 He has many women

Beiye asked Chu Sui to bring a woman to his home immediately in front of Yu Anran.

Yu Anran's face looked ugly.

Chu Sui was indeed very fast. He brought a delicate and **** beauty in less than ten minutes. After the beauty knew that Kitano was the sponsor, her whole body almost hung on him.

 After all, who wouldn’t like such a handsome and wealthy sponsor?

Yu Anran had no spare clothes, so she could only find a men's loose coat in Kitano's room and put it on, but she stood by the door and did not go out.

Beiye didn't look sideways as he carried the beauty into the room next to her. However, the beauty looked at Yu Anran a few more times and raised her eyebrows at her as if in provocation.

Yu Anran's fingers gripped the door frame tightly, holding back all her emotions.

She didn't go anywhere, but she heard an ambiguous voice next door in a certain room.

“The sound insulation effect is also very poor.”


Yu Anran didn’t know what he was talking about.

Yu Anran could no longer analyze the time as long as Kitano carried the beauty in his arms and the ambiguous sounds continued.

She only knew that the bloodstain on her palm was genuine and she had cut it unintentionally. The tool of crime was fingernails.

Pain is a good thing, it always diverts people's attention.

I don’t know how long it took, but the man in the next room finally seemed satisfied and walked out of the room refreshed.

It seems that Kitano went back to this room to get clothes.

Yu Anran raised his eyes and could see the lip marks on his neck. They were obvious and dazzling.

Yu Anran felt aggrieved, but she would not cry.

  She has already failed herself to this point, but unfortunately she overestimated her own ability. No one wanted her even if she came to her door.

 “Tsk, why haven’t you left yet? Are you waiting for me to favor you?”

 Listen, what he said is very unpleasant.

Yu Anran replied: "You ruined my clothes."

 The implication is that she has no clothes to wear when going out.

 “Oh, that was an oversight on my part.”

Beiye slapped his head and walked out of the door as if he was very upset. He came back after a while and already had this blue dress in his hand.

Bei Ye casually left the skirt on the bed, "Try it on, it might be suitable."

 He used the word "maybe".

Yu Anran didn't look carefully. She grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to change. There was a full-length mirror by the door. This skirt fit her perfectly.

Yu Anran felt that her heart was burning.

 She couldn't help but think about things that had a little bit of special meaning.

 This is not in line with Yu Anran’s character at all!

 When she went out, she bumped into the big-breasted beauty again.

Yu Anran has a good memory, so when she saw the **** beauty, she also changed her clothes, sat next to Kitano and gave him fruit.

He said his thanks in a sweet voice, "Mr. Bei, thank you for this set of clothes. I think they are very suitable."

“Really? That room is all prepared for you. There are all sizes. You can choose whatever you like.”

Yu Anran narrowed his eyes when he heard those words.

I see.

It seems that he really changed women like clothes, torn them into pieces and let people pick them at will. She was overthinking it just now.

 When Yu Anran went out, Beiye saw her.

 Looking at her casually, he seemed very satisfied and said, "This dress is good."

Yu Anran said nothing.

Bei Ye seemed to be tired of it and felt that she was blocking his view too much. He asked in disgust: "Now that you have changed into new clothes, why don't you leave?"

 “You don’t have to rush.”

 She will leave now.

 (End of this chapter)

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